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No Pipe Dream

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Our fight is dual-purposed:

Our mission is to avoid pipelines through northern Fort Collins' neighborhoods and influence the City of Thornton to do the right thing by all Fort Collins residents: LEAVE THEIR WATER IN THE POUDRE RIVER. Commissioners rejected Thornton's 1041 application for a northern pipeline route - a victory for us. Thornton has sued the County yet no major decisions have been made. We are also fighting a second pipeline proposed by NISP, making it a "two-front" fight. 
We are deeply thankful and grateful for any help you can provide. We know many of you have given before. Your support has taken us far.

In  Fall 2017 we fought the City of Thornton’s plans to build a pipeline through North Fort Collins and along the Weld and Larimer County Line. We advocated that Thornton take advantage of the most obvious and least harmful solution: using the Poudre River as a pipeline. Doing so increases the health, vitality and survival of the Poudre River; our ecological and economic backbone.

Leaving the water in the Poudre avoids 20 miles of pipeline in Larimer County through residential neighborhoods. It curtails a long, destructive construction process for  residents and commuters. In February 2019, after 7 public hearings--a record for any 1041 application presented to Larimer County--the County Commissioners voted 3-0 AGAINST Thornton's plans to build the pipeline along the northern route.

It was a victory unheard of and called impossible by many. We need to make sure it sticks.

Thornton responded with a lawsuit against Larimer County in April 2019. We must keep the County Commissioners on task and remembering why they voted down the 1041.  No Pipe Dream Corp won the right to intervene in Thornton’s lawsuit. This gave our lawyer a seat at the table.  

For additional information, please visit our website: nopipedream.com

The increased water flows would be significantly beneficial to the currently ailing health of the Poudre as it runs through Fort Collins, as well as to wetlands, environmental and recreational resources and the communities and businesses that depend on them. 

Donate for the river today!  Donate to avoid two large pipelines through private property and stop Thornton from seizing property via eminent domain.

We did it before, we can do it again!

Please note: Donations are not tax deductible.

PS. No Pipe Dream is now a non-profit corporation. If you would rather send a check, please make it out to No Pipe Dream Corp. and send it to PO Box 2465, Fort Collins, CO 80522.

Visit our website!


  • Dana Griffin
    • $60 
    • 3 mos
  • Lisa Andrews
    • $50 
    • 3 mos
  • Anonym
    • $25 
    • 4 mos
  • Anonym
    • $35 
    • 4 mos
  • Janet Carabello
    • $100 
    • 6 mos

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Betsy Stampfli
Fort Collins, CO
Marina Mayer

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt