Victoria and Marko's Family Needs Your Help
Spende geschützt
Our dearest friend Victoria McDonnell DeSantis, her husband Marko DeSantis and her family lost their home that they loved and have lived in for years. We know that thousands of people have lost their homes, but Victoria is our family. Not only do we know we can help her, but we also know that she will take these funds and also help her neighborhood. We are asking for your help, whatever you can do to help her, and her husband and two children. Like everyone else, they have lost so much. But thankfully, they have love. They are not asking for this; this is just what we, as her friends and family, can contribute. Please help if you can. Thank you.
Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Elle Sullivan Wilson
Los Angeles, CA
Victoria DeSantis