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Remembering Amelia Moreno

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On behalf of our sister we are organizing go fund me to collect donations for Amelia’s journey! Those that know Amelia know that she has a heart of gold and will do anything for those in her life!  Now she needs us to rally around her and show her the love and support she has always shown!  For those that don’t know her story please take a moment to read!

It’s been a rough few months and since I have shared the news with family and a few others, most of you know that I have struggled with stomach issues for many years. I took medical leave from work in late March and the drs were finding changes in my scans that showed concern for cancer. Biopsies were done and it was determined that there was a tumor for Peritoneal Mesothelioma.

Unfortunately I won’t have many answers, I met with the oncologist today and meet with the surgeon on Friday. Due to the existing inflammation and scar tissue the best option is going to be surgery with Chemo, I believe referred to as HIPEC, than 4 additional rounds of chemo.

My family has been very supportive and I am hopeful that everything will work out for the best. You can follow the caringbridge site for additional information or updates.

I wanted to let everyone know but please understand that I am still trying to process a lot of what’s happening. I may not be as responsive to phone calls or messages but I appreciate your thoughts,prayers and love.

Spendenteam (2)

Celia Courtney
St. Paul, MN
Amelia Moreno
Alejandra Barnes
Team member

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