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Tactical and Medical Supplies for Ukraine

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Hi! My name is Matt, and I'm currently an american university student studying in Monaco. I'm joined by my two friends, Kamil (Polish), and Sacha (Ukrainian), who I both met through school and are still active in the Monaco Community.
In the end of March, I had the opportunity to travel to the city of Lutsk in the Ukraine to work with Logistics and Refugies. While there I was able to speak with those who were on the front lines with the supplies, and I was able to receive a broad list of supplies they're in dire need of at the moment. These are supplies that are in shortage in the country or that they're receiving less than they need of. So our idea was to create a fundraiser to be able to acquire and send these supplies to where they need to go.

A photo of myself (right) and a priest from the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Lutsk (left)
Kamil works closely with the medical supply industry and cooperates actively with the logistics center in Lublin, Poland, and has been able to secure us a shipment of medical and tactical supplies that we can send to the contacts we made during our time in the Ukraine.
Below, we provide a detailed list of all the supplies we have on hand, plus prices. As time goes on and prices fluctuate, we will be able to either raise the amount of products we can ship or be forced to send less depending on how much of our goal we reach. If we can reach our goal successfully, we can even acquire more of these vital supplies to send to where they're needed most!

Slava Ukraina!
List of Items | Price per unit | Quantity sought
  • Ketonal 50x10 Pack | 2.75 | 50
  • Ibumax 400mg 30 Tablets | 2.20 | 50
  • Paracetamol Aurovitas 500mg 50 Tablets | 1.80 | 50
  • Bleeding Stop Sponge 5x7x1cm | 9.00 | 50
  • Tactical Clamp Tourniquet | 40.00 | 50
  • Axiostat Hemostatic Roll Gauze | 36.00 | 50
  • Self-Adhesive Cohesive Bandages 8x4cm | 3.00 | 50
  • Dressing Mesh | 4.00 | 50
  • Sterile Gauze 1m/sq | 1.25 | 50
TOTAL: 5,000
How will we get the supplies there?
Once we are able to collect funds to secure these supplies, we have worked closely with shipping centers in Lublin that bring supplies in and out of the Ukraine each day. We will receive and provide updates on this page every step of the way, so we can show all of you the impact you're making!
Who can I contact with questions?
That would be me, Matt! You can reach me at my email address [E-Mail ausgeblendet], or find me on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/matthew-c-2804b4bb/
Thank you all for your help, and I'm glad we can all make a difference!

Spendenteam (3)

Matthew Ciaccio
La Turbie
Kamil Rucinski
Alexandros Savchuk Polishchuk
Team member

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