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Santa Fe Supports India Palace

Spende geschützt
Our beloved India Palace was not just vandalized, but vandalized with such xenophobic venom that it is deeply offensive to us all.

Santa Fe is about community and inclusion. Let’s show them what Santa Fe is really about and help them with whatever they need.

Love Trumps Hate.


For all’s peace of mind, here is some information on me: I’m a bartender at Paloma, in no way affiliated with India Palace- simply a member of the industry and community, and I wanted to help. Unless you know me, I realize this means nothing, but it’s a small town so I bet someone can vouch for me!

*update: I’m in contact with the author of the Reporter article, as well as the family’s representative... The Singh’s are aware of the outpouring of support and are grateful. The family is not asking to cease fundraisers; all involved are simply and understandably looking to verify and streamline.

All funds from this specific page go directly to the Singh’s account; their representative is now a co-admin.

If you don’t want to give, I understand! Please find another way to support!

*it’s been truly amazing to see donations coming in from all over the place. please feel free to include your general location!

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Molly Dietze Kennedy
Santa Fe, NM

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