Buying food for Maasai widows and their children
The Building Hope academy is sponsored by The Building Hope Society (The Building Hope Society and Nairoshi Foundation) , which is a charity organisation in Canada. They work together with the Nairoshi Foundation, which is a Kenyan NGO (Non-Government Organisation). The Building Hope academy provides high quality primary education to local Maasai children, who come from very (very) poor backgrounds.
Last year Kenya had a terrible drought, which means that food is scarce, and the prices are high. (Read more about that here: Worsening drought, hunger put over 2.5m at risk of starvation) To top it off due to the worsening coronavirus crisis, the government has shut down all the small markets that the Maasai depend on to make a living.
In Maasai culture, when a woman loses her husband, she loses the right to own her own property. That includes money, livestock, fields etc. The Maasai women that The Building Hope academy helps live from hand to mouth, meaning they go to the market, to sell anything they have made, collected, etc. and buy food for the day. They can't keep any extra money for themselves for security reasons. Our organisation helps 20 Maasai widows and their children - all together 122 people!!
The Kenyan government so far has failed to offer any relief or help to these people. It would mean the world for myself and the local community, if we could raise the 1000 USD target. With that money we could feed all those 20 households for at least one and a half months!
Every cent is greatly appreciated and every share can go a long way! Help us help these people!