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Support us to protect forests, water, animals and plants

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For many years, I dreamed of creating a place of togetherness and socio-cultural exchange in Colombia, my home country.

Then, last year, I discovered a beautiful piece of land in the Colombian mountains, located in the region of Antioquia.This is a place where many great ecological projects are being developed and a loving community is being formed.
Stunning natural surroundings - rivers, waterfalls, colorful kolibris (hummingbirds), monkeys jumping from tree to tree and many other animals - make this avery special place.
At the same time, however, it is threatened by the exploitation of natural resources and development.

The land is part of Doara, a private nature reserve that buys large areas of forest to preserve the habitat of native plants and animals.
These forests are also home to natural water sources, whose clear and pure water is protected from pollution and desiccation.
I wanted to support the Doara project and therefore decided to buy the land.

At the beginning of 2024, as a small team, we launched the project "Casa Luz".
We aim to promote reforestation and create awareness for our most precious resource - nature - through environmental education.
Currently, we are developing the sustainable project is under construction and offering educational workshops for children.

The land in question, half of which has already been bought, includes approx. 32 hectares of forest, which we will preserve together with Doara as a nature reserve.

That is why I am writing to you today. We need to raise €10,000 Euros this year to pay the installments for the land and to keep the project running.

Your donation will be used to purchase forest land!!!

You will also be able to visit the project in Colombia : )

Visit our website or Instagram profile to learn more about this project.

Thank you for your support!!!


  • Astrid Greuel
    • 20 €
    • 2 Mo
  • Julian Zenses
    • 20 €
    • 3 Mo
  • Alexandra Kravtsova
    • 20 €
    • 3 Mo
  • Silvia Horch
    • 50 €
    • 4 Mo
  • Nicole Zielonka
    • 15 €
    • 4 Mo


zuleima sarmiento
Cologne, Nordrhein-Westfalen

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