McColister Family Medical Expenses
As many of you know, on July 20, 2020 Chuck McColister was hospitalized with complications from a stroke. He woke up unable to speak or walk. He and Jackie were visiting Gabriel and his wife, Elena, in Virginia. The situation has been touch and go for the last week. Chuck has been on and off a ventilator to aid him with breathing. He has had to have brain surgery, shunts put in place, blood platelets and around the clock monitoring. In Jesus' name, he is on the road to recovery but still not "out of the woods".
This has been a roller coaster for the McColister family. All of the other kids (Tori, Josh, Rachel and Elijah) had to leave their homes and work and fly/drive immediately to Virginia to be with their dad. They have been taking shifts to be with Chuck 24 hours. Soon, they will have to return home. Jackie is in Florida now gathering some things as she will be traveling back and forth to Virginia for the forseeable future until Chuck is able to come home to Florida. Currently, there is no time frame for that. It will just be based on how Chuck progresses.
Chuck has health care, but at this point, the family is awaiting word on if there is a cap on his coverage. He has a long road ahead that will include being transported back to Florida (hopefully) and extensive physical therapy. The family is currently renting a room at the hospital so they do not have to make the 45 minute commute back and forth to Gabe's home. The expenses are magnified since this took place out of state and the family can use any financial help you are able to give. All money donated will go directly to the McColister family to help towards medical bills and out of town expenses. Since the situation is still so uncertain, we are putting a base amount for this fundraiser, but depending on Chuck's progression, we may need to raise more funds to help the family. If you are unable to donate financially, please donate love, prayers and encouragement.
Thank you!