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Build a Kids Garden in New Orleans

Donativo protegido
Volunteers from Oakton Community College, Des Plaines, IL, travel to the lower 9th ward of New Orleans this July, to develop a preschool garden. The lower 9th is one of the most devastated areas still since Hurricane Katrina in 2005. In collaboration with Partnerships in Education & Service, an Illinois 501c3 organization, volunteers will build raised gardens, trellises and child-sized benches, and prepare soil for seeds and seedlings. Donations are needed to purchase supplies and materials, such as soil, seedlings, wood and, gardening tools and gloves for the children. Food from the garden will be integrated into the school's nutrition program. Donations will also provide water and snacks for the volunteers.

Partnerships in Education & Service supports the needs of public schools in underserved neighbors. Since 2007, volunteers have provided assistance to teachers in schools throughout the U.S.

To see the finished garden visit our website at Partnerships in Education & Service.


  • Paula Bloom
    • $50 
    • 7 yrs


Karen Roth
Winnetka, IL

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