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Gustin Adoption

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Clayton and Olivia have started the adoption process and need our support through prayers, community and finances! Their goal is to have all the necessary funds by the end of February. Please read and share their story on how this adventure began:

From The Gustins:
Ever since we met in college, we talked about how much we wanted to adopt someday (even before we were dating). When we got married it was always in our mind for the future. Our two biological children came very early in our marriage and we decided after our second to work on getting ready to adopt (buying a house, getting our finances in good shape, etc.).

Part of our journey toward adoption included fostering. It brought us an amazing baby boy named Desi when he was just four days old. He taught us how to be sacrificial with our love and time and we are so grateful for the whole experience. It was the hardest thing to give him up but of course we don’t wish it away because we got to love on him for the first six months of his life! Also, we have a good relationship with his Aunt and Uncle (now his adoptive parents) and we get to see him several times a year. Through it all, our passion for adoption has only grown and we cannot wait to pour all our love onto the new member of our family.

In November of 2017 we took a leap of faith and decided to apply to a private adoption agency. These types of adoptions are generally around $40,000 and that is a lot of money. This figure has always prevented us from even considering this avenue, but God has given us great confidence about moving forward anyway. He has already blessed us in surprising ways and we have been able to save a good chunk, however we are still short a little more than half. We are set to enter the active pool of adoptive families at our agency by the end of February, which is also the deadline to have the entire amount ready. Awesomely, and surprisingly, this does not stress us out because we are 100% positive this is what God wants us to do right now.

It is hard for us to ask for money…but in this instance, we have decided to be humble and ask anyway. Literally anything helps. Also, and I know EVERYONE says this, but we totally covet your prayers, good vibes, joy, advice and company even more than moolah. This is going to be a journey for us and y’all have been and will be such an awesome blessing to us. We love you!


  • Diane Parnell
    • $100 
    • 6 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Shana Overton
Round Rock, TX
Olivia Gustin

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