Edmonton Firefighters Memorial - Stolen Plaques
Today on September 11th is a day to remember… as all Firefighters are “Never Forgotten” and “Never Left Behind”!
I would like to thank all those who donated to The Edmonton Firefighters Memorial Society through both Go Fund Me and Cash. I was able to present them with a cheque for $6000 today!!!
Thank you Jarrett Belanger and all members of the Memorial Committee for helping organize the presenting of the cheque and for your commitment to the Fallen Firefighters Memorial .
It’s moments like this that mean so much for the sacrifice.
(this fund will be left open until October 11, 2021 - one month after September 11th - as all funds are GREATLY appreciated and of utmost value to the Edmonton Firefighters Memorial Society)
Edmonton has a special place for those recognized for giving up their life in the Line of Duty to help save others - our beloved Edmonton Firefighters and Fallen Heros! This is a special place where families and friends can come to morn and appreciate the sacrifice these men and woman have taken to help save those in their most desperate times and crisis! This Memorial is known as the Firefighters Memorial Plaza in Old Strathcona - 10322 83 Ave, Edmonton AB.
Unfortunately on or about July 25th, the Memorial Plaques with the names of our Fallen Firefighters was taken by someone most likely looking to scrap metal the Bronze they are made out of. This is a devastating theft, as these plaques not only represent our Fallen Heros, but also comes at an estimated cost of $10,000 to $15,000 for their replacements.
I have started a go fund me to help in the replacement of these plaques to help burden the cost for the Firefighters Memorial Services - these funds are typically raised through volunteer work. I have also started this to ensure the plaques are replaced so the loved ones of these fallen Hero's can again have a place to morn. This is dear to my heart as my dad was one of these Hero's - Les Ashton who became a Fallen Firefighter in December 2002.
Any additional funds raised will go to the Edmonton Burn Society - please help support our Hero's!!!