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Childcare Help for Mom of Toddler/Twins in Crisis

Donación protegida
We are Circling Up with Becky Payne! Becky is the awesome mama of a 3 &1/2 year old boy named Dash, and twins that just turned one. About a month before she had the twins (Ezra and Lucy), her husband informed her that he wanted a divorce. 

He showed up for the birth and to see them a few times in the NICU, but then he moved in with his Dad and left her alone. He never did file for divorce, so Becky finally did. She was told that she wouldn't qualify for state assistance, and that she wouldn't receive child support until the divorce was final. In the meantime, working through the night feeding two babies and caring for a toddler often has her in tears. She is also working full time to make ends meet and gets about two waking hours to spend with her kids each night. 

She was recently informed that her current babysitter (who has kindly been watching her children for FREE due to her circumstances) will no longer be watching children after January, due to her 5th child being born. She now has to face finding daycare without financial help and most options cost upwards of $2000 per month to watch them. Becky is struggling to pay for housing and utilities, let alone the cost of daycare. Having someone to help out with daycare would allow her to earn what she needs to provide for her children, during this vulnerable time.

Let's Circle Up and help this mama in need! 

Where the funds will go: This fundraiser was created as part of a pilot program to help mothers in crisis and is sponsored by the non-profit Momni Foundation. Note that 100% of funds donated to this fundraiser will be received by the Momni Foundation on behalf of the individual featured in the campaign. The full amount, minus any GoFundMe fees, will be distributed to the featured individual in the form of a gift card to use for childcare on the Momni platform. Momni booking fees will apply. After one year, any remaining gift card funds will be donated to the Momni Foundation to help other mothers in crisis.


Karmel Larson
Provo, UT

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