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Homeless Man Finds17k..Returns It

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My father Kurtis, told me about **Kevin Booth*** a couple months back It wasn't until about a week ago that I met him at my father's Neighbors. **KEVIN** was in great spirits having just had gotten an award of sorts from the police of Summer. This is why.... Kevin, is in his 30s, (partially) mentally handicapped, and has been homeless off and on for the last 7 years-At times staying in group homes. He receives SSI and is not allowed to work or it will be cut off. He often visits food banks to be able to eat all month. On August 23rd 2018 - on his way to the overnight bread box @ the sumner food bank .. He came across a paper bag... Inside that bag was a large sum of cash- There was no one around to see that he had found it.. there was no one at the food bank to turn it into..and for 45 minutes Kevin sat there until somebody showed up at the food bank. AFTER that long of thinking about it... he decided this money' is "going to feed a lot of people." When a young man who is mentally insufficient to provide for himself has the amount of cash( in his hand could literally turn his life around) and uses it to feed others what else can u say LOVE means then something like this?? Homeless people have hearts just like us ...homeless people have families just like us... not all homeless people are on drugs... not all homeless people are insane. The city of Sumner Washington provided him today with Police-citizen citation thanking him and praising him for making the whole town proud with the one choice that he made. He did not take one dollar from that bag Not one. Bless his ❤ and service to others that he made the choice based on knowing that MANY mouths would be fed w that money. Lets keep it reaI... MANY of us wouldn't have made that same decision. But RIGHT now is OUR time to Give back to this selfless man who touched people's Hearts and Bellys w ONE DESICION. The Food bank has been giving him Fred Myers gift cards at the beginning of the month in gratitude for that choice, BUT I BELIEVE THIS YOUNG MAN IS GOING TO BE BLESSED BEYOND BELIEF BY HIS CHOICES. Lets show him what these actions mean to Us... That we are ready to help him now. Lets see this man get into a place of his own and make this an amazing Christmas for his kind soul. Kevin agreed to have me start this although it wasn't his idea and my father link this to his account so a trust worthy contact in his local vicinity would be in control / be able to discuss options of what Kevin decides to do with the money if we ended up raising a substantial amount.


  • Teresa Cerini
    • 10 $
    • 6 años

Organizador y beneficiario

Desiree' Almonte
Tacoma, WA
Kevin Booth

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