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Young Father With Tragic Illness

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Bryant's 3 year old daughter, Lina asks why Daddy does not talk or walk. She hugs and kisses him, not really noticing that he does not respond to her. Bryant, who as of less than 2 years ago was a brilliant computer programer, now suffers from an undiagnosed Progressive neurological condition. He is declining quickly, so we do not know how much longer Lina will have her Daddy. He is being cared for in a Board and Care Home by wonderful people who take good care of him. We want to keep him at that location which is close to the house where Lina and Mommy can go visit him almost everyday. Please help with a donation to help pay for the Board and Care that is not covered by private insurance or any government health care benefits. Any help you can give to help this young family would be so appreciated! Thank you!


  • Andrew Grey
    • $50 
    • 5 yrs


Marian London
Fresno, CA

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