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Xavier Newman Wheel Chair Fund

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Hello friends, this request is for help in purchasing our friend Xavier Newman a new wheelchair. As many of you know, Xavier has been wheelchair bound since birth, but he does not let that get in his way. He comes and goes just like anybody else. If he has anything you need, he will give it to you. He has a heart of gold, never saying a bad thing, always words of kindness. He laughs and jokes with all of us and we all forget that he's in a wheelchair. 

On May 8, 2017, Xavier lost the most important person in his life, his grandmother. He found her on the kitchen floor, she had passed away. The very next day May 9th, he muscled up the energy to make it to a doctor's appointment which he had scheduled months earlier.  Xavier set the appointment because for the past few years his current chair has been causing him a great deal of discomfort, pain, and numbness. The doctors examined Xavier and his chair. Their prognosis was that he should have never been in that chair, but Xavier's insurance only pays for a chair every five (5) years--he has been in this chair for three (3) years and is not eligible for a new chair until July 2019. A proper wheelchair for Xavier will cost at least $5,000.

We can't let our friend stay in that chair for two (2) more years. Xavier needs our help in getting a new wheelchair to improve his quality of life. So let's help our friend! Thank you!!!


  • Howard McClam
    • $50 
    • 7 yrs


Derek Willingham Tinder Box
Clinton, MD

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