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Humanitarian support for displaced people in Afar

Donativo protegido
Afar Human Rights Organization, a legally registered charity organization in Belgium. It is organizing this fundraising campaign to help provide emergency help to victims of TPLF aggression and attack on civilians in Afar region of Ethiopia.

It is widely reported that TPLF terrorist group launched an attack in Afar region in its effort to destabilize Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa region. Since its inception, TPLF has pursued a strategy of division, destabilization and polarization to divide and subjugate the Ethiopian people for over 30 years. Once it has been removed from power by peaceful protest it pursued a strategy of chaos and instigating conflict and escalated its terrorizing actions by launching an all-out war against the Ethiopian people. Part of its recent destructive action is to wage war in Amhara region and Afar regions. To this end, it has attacked civilians in Afar and Amhara regions and killed hundreds of people including children and women, and displaced hundreds of thousands.

Ethiopians in Afar has defended this evil act of TPLF and is whipping out the terrorist group from the region as part of wider the Ethiopian people effort to remove the brutal terrorist network of TPLF from Ethiopia. Afar people stand with all Ethiopians in defending our country Ethiopia with our blood and vows to remove the terrorist network of Ethiopia once and for all. In this critical time Afar Human Rights Organization Calls on all Ethiopians to stand together to defend our country and uproot TPLF which i enemeny of all Ethiopian people!

We call upon all Ethiopians to support this campaign for providing humanitarian assistance to victims of TPLF aggression.

Afar people of Ethiopia stand for Ethiopian unity and stability! And we vow to continue to fight the aggressive criminal TPLF group and its remnants to ensure the will of the Ethiopian people will prevail.

Ethiopia will prevail! TPLF will be defeated! Support this funding and share the campaign with your network.Afar Human Rights Organization, a legally registered charity organization in Belgium. It is organizing this fundraising campaign to help provide emergency help to victims of TPLF aggression and attack on civilians in Afar region of Ethiopia.

It is widely reported that TPLF terrorist group launched an attack in Afar region in its effort to destabilize Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa region. Since its inception, TPLF has pursued a strategy of division, destabilization and polarization to divide and subjugate the Ethiopian people for over 30 years. Once it has been removed from power by peaceful protest it pursued a strategy of chaos and instigating conflict and escalated its terrorizing actions by launching an all-out war against the Ethiopian people. Part of its recent destructive action is to wage war in Amhara region and Afar regions. To this end, it has attacked civilians in Afar and Amhara regions and killed hundreds of people including children and women, and displaced hundreds of thousands.

Ethiopians in Afar has defended this evil act of TPLF and is whipping out the terrorist group from the region as part of wider the Ethiopian people effort to remove the brutal terrorist network of TPLF from Ethiopia. Afar people stand with all Ethiopians in defending our country Ethiopia with our blood and vows to remove the terrorist network of Ethiopia once and for all. In this critical time Afar Human Rights Organization Calls on all Ethiopians to stand together to defend our country and uproot TPLF which i enemeny of all Ethiopian people!

We call upon all Ethiopians to support this campaign for providing humanitarian assistance to victims of TPLF aggression.

Afar people of Ethiopia stand for Ethiopian unity and stability! And we vow to continue to fight the aggressive criminal TPLF group and its remnants to ensure the will of the Ethiopian people will prevail.

Ethiopia will prevail! TPLF will be defeated! Support this funding and share the campaign with your network.


  • Anónimo
    • €500 (Fuera de Internet)
    • 2 yrs
  • Anónimo
    • €100 (Fuera de Internet)
    • 2 yrs
  • Sainaba Adoyta
    • €50 (Fuera de Internet)
    • 2 yrs
  • Hamed Houmed
    • €100 (Fuera de Internet)
    • 3 yrs
  • Semira Buta
    • €50 (Fuera de Internet)
    • 3 yrs


Afar Human Rights Organisation

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