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A Charity Walk Up Ben Nevis (1345m).

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Me and my team are taking on our third and final peak of the three main peaks in the UK and we are hoping to raise money for three fantastic chosen charities.

1# Mind UK: A charity that provides mental health services in local communities across England and Wales.

This charity has a twofold reason to why it was chosen.

Firstly, my mother who words fall short for if you are ever asked to describe her, this incredible, kind and beautiful lady, has been battling with mental health issues for a lifetime and continues to put on a brave face daily and love people unconditionally.

Secondly in November 2021, our friend: Alex Kennedy was found dead by his mother and his younger brother in his Mansfield flat. He was 25 years old and at that time was battling with a recent diagnosis of: schizophrenia. Unfortunately, after his death, it was deemed that Alex's mental health prescribed medication caused 'Drug Toxicity' which ultimately caused Alex's heart attack. Gone but never forgotten.

2# Shelter: A charity that campaigns for tenant rights in Great Britain. It gives advice, information and advocacy to people and lobbies government and local authorities for new laws and polices. It works in partnership with Shelter Cynru in Wales and the housing rights service in Northern Ireland.

"Home is a human right. It's our foundation and it's where we thrive. Yet, every day millions of people are being devastated by the housing emergency".

3# Guide Dogs UK - The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association

A charity, almost entirely funded by donations and we are the worlds largest assistance to the dog organization. As world leaders in puppy socialization and dog training, they are the only organization to breed and train guide dogs in the UK. They are also the largest employer of specialists dedicated to helping children and young people to overcome the challenges of sight loss.

"Over the years we’ve developed a wide range of services with and without dogs to support people living with a vision impairment. Children and adults. Friends and family. Whoever you are, our expert staff, dedicated volunteers and life-changing dogs are here to help you live actively, independently, and well".

Our Charity History:

Mt Snowdon - 1085m - Climbed on the 12th March 2022 for Mind UK: £1760 raised and donated,

Scafell Pike - 978m - Climbed on the 10th March 2023 for Mind UK and JDRF: £1090 raised, split evenly and donated.

Ben Nevis - 1,345m - Walk Date: (April 2024),

Donations will be accepted until: Tuesday 30th April 2024 and will be split evenly between these three charities.

Our Third Peak, Our Third Walk, Our Final Year, Our Goal.


Ryan Woodward

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