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Help Arizona’s Children Beat Cancer Today

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There is a massive surge of children getting cancer in Arizona and we have ways to stop it and we very much need your help.  We have been contacted by hundreds of families with children with cancer and we are raising money for the children that need it the most.  These children need your help today. 

Over the next few months we are trying to raise money for two children in particularly Trinity McNear and Allison Salva Terry.  They have stage four lymphoma cancer.  We have been implementing the clean food the water amd the clean air and things are starting to get slightly better when we can get these kids the cleanest proteins, the cleanest air, and the cleanest oxygenated water. 

If you had any idea on how dirty our tapwater is you would never shower again 

The water supply in Phoenix Arizona is the most toxic water in the entire United States

If your hair is turning gray or your skin is flaking off or you’re having neurological or nerve problems it’s most likely due to Arizona’s in sanely toxic water supply.  These are 
Our children’s lives at stake if you feel you have been affected in anyway please contact me directly as we have The biggest civil class action lawsuit in Arizona’s history in the works as we speak.  If you or anyone you know have had a recent unexplainable health problem please contact us right away we would like to hear your story.  We would very much like to take a water sample where are you shower and drink.

My wife and I are raising money for children with cancer all across the valley in Arizona.  There is a massive surge of cancer in children going on all across Arizona mainly due to the fact of the toxicity Arizona has on all of our water, our food, and our air. All of the sources have become contaminated and we are desperately trying.  Because the sources are contaminated we are seeing cancer spikes all across the valley. We are raising money to get people clean food, clean water, and clean air.  We can get people clean water with reverse osmosis and alkaline machines, we can get people clean food by shopping at places like sprouts and Trader Joe’s purchasing only all natural in all organic foods and protein powders, and we Can oxygenate peoples air with alkaline water and oxygen with the use of humidifiers.

We can get children that have cancer the very best treatment available which would include changing out any toxic part of their life with an all natural all organic substitute. The problem with this method is that insurance covers and none of it.

When you really think about it the only Treatments Insurance covers are the treatments that take out your insurance companies dollars, then you bank account, then your credit.  After they have taken you out financially they will finish you off amd leave you in the gutter if you are even still alive.  We don’t believe in this at all.  

Western medicine will diagnose you with something then they will start billing your insurance they will put you on a battery of different pills in most cases highly addictive pills which make the customer come back again and again.  There is no money in healthy people.  There is so much money in keeping people sick treating them with ridiculous treatments that do not work.  

Healthcare is a multi trillion dollar industry with big Pharma as the primary culprit.  If you were able to take Western medicine and big Pharma out of the picture you might have a shot at curing your own cancer.

My own naturalistic doctor had me sign a non-disclosure agreement because natural path doctors are getting murdered left and right.  Big Pharma and Western medicine do not want naturalistic doctors in the picture because they expose the truth so big farmers lobbyists take naturalistic doctors out of the equation if they get too close to curing cancer.

The thing is so many natural path doctors have already figured out the cure and it is out there and we know exactly what causes cancer and what doesn’t. We know what repairs damage to cancer cells and we know what fixes them.  

The controversial stem cell research was an enormous forward in cancer cure or treatment.  If you can get Stem Cell patches, get them today.  Stem Cell patches work, and they kill cancer cells, and replace them with healthy, new cells.  Even if you don’t have cancer, Stem Cell patches are incredibly good for you no matter what your ailments are.  My children wear them all the time and they are the healthiest, strongest, smartest kids in their grades.  The teachers comment on it all the time.  They want to know what we are feeding our children.  It’s pretty simple we give them clean food clean water and clean air and we use stem cell patches to repair any damage cells that might be in their body.

My wife was able to beat thyroid cancer with a combination of all natural all organic cancer treatments including stem cell therapy, hot treatments, vitamin C given intravenously, food grade hydrogen peroxide therapy, juicing, and a battery of other lifestyle changes.

Chemo and radiation is not the answer all of the answers are here but it will take some time for you to read the posts if you take the time to read the posts you will get a very good idea on what it takes to be cancer. 

All of the information is right here for your viewing anytime for free:

My wife had stage 4 Thyroid Cancer, spread To her lymph nodes and lungs.  

She is not alone.  Women in Phoenix, Arizona are experiencing a massive surge in a battery of different Thyroid Cancers across the Valley.  We only know of one way to combat it, and it’s not covered by insurance.  

Chemo and radiation is covered by insurance, but those treatments take out your insurance financially, keep you ill, then they will take out your savings and checking accounts.  We know cancer patients that took out second mortgages to pay hospitals for treatment.  Once the Western Medicine exhausted all of your financials, they will kick you to the curb amd toss you a few pain killers.  Most don’t make it out alive. 

Silver lining here is, we found a way that actually cures.  It does not involve chemo and radiation.

We developed a few websites with every bit of information on Thyroid Cancer that shows actual proof these methods work.  Every time we get a website up that is complete with every bit of information on it it magically is taken down and no longer exists. 

Since this started happening we have had to create a few thousand thumb drives with every bit of information on it so that we can actually deliver to thyroid cancer patients., ways to cure yourself with very simple changes in your life.  You would be surprised on how easy it is to rid yourself of thyroid cancer. 

There is no money to be made in it, which of course big Pharma and big brother sincerely do not like since Cancer is a multibillion dollar industry.

We are raising money for those who have Thyroid Cancer.  After we learned how to beat it, we learned insurance covers 0% of the actual cures.  We are raising money for people who have Thyroid Cancer that do not want to get blasted with Chemo and Radiation.  We 110% believe that is not the answer:

Here is my wife’s Story:

Hello my name is Nicole and I have Stage 4 thyroid cancer. I had cancer for about 6 years. Had a total thyroidectomy. Went through 2 rounds of radiation, countless Dr’s appointments. After my second ablation scan Dr’s told me it had spread to my lymph and lung area. So after that my doubts of radiation had come true not only did it not work but it had spread. My life was now in serious danger. I had asked my oncologist “what do I need to do next to help this go away?” His response was “ NOTHING, just wait for your next round of radiation”. At this point I was so angry and frustrated that I decided to make a drastic lifestyle change. I have done countless hours of research and homework on cancer, diet, thyroid, autoimmune disease, meeting 8 naturalistic doctors etc.. by setting up a GO FUND ME page and with the help and support of family and friends I was able to check into the perfect Naturopath Dr. He gave me some advice and off I went to take my life into MY own hands. By doing these things for 1 year my cancer is gone! My hopes in setting up this page is simply for informative and advice on how to help get through cancer, support people mentally and physically and steps to improve thyroid function and daily living inexpensively and all natural. I know everybody is different and there are many ideas and treatments. There are very, very specific protocols that work for ALL cancers that must be shared with any one, and everyone that has cancer.  

Every single bit of information that helps rid yourself of all the toxicity in the United States is here: 

Know it, learn it, and apply it.  All a Doctor will want to do to you is slice you open, take out your thyroid, then blast your with chemo and radiation.  We know now, that is not the answer.

It is very, very important for you to know, that "Western Medicine" aims to keep you sick, and pound you with as many un needed treatments as possible to line their own pockets with your money, and your insurance companies money.

I am sad to report, that no protocol that actually works is insured. The only Western Medicine protocols that work are the ones that kill you ie Chemo and Radiation. Together, my husband and I have saved countless lives on helping people through their cancer batter, and we will help you. We are not Doctors, we simply have answers for the correct cancer treatment protocols, and can get you set up to succeed. Most Chemo and Radiation patients that we meet, the cancer has already spread, and that is usually when we step in.

Western Medicine Doctors will scare you into surgeries, into chemo, into radiation, and into a battery of prescription drugs. If you look at the big picture, starting with the FDA. They are poisoning us right out of the gate with garbage food and garbage water, pesticides, poor air quality, then when you get terminally ill, they take your money in the form of "Cancer Treatments" leaving you broke, and dead, or very close to dead. There is far too much money in keeping people sick, and the heads of the FDA, the heads of the beef industry, the heads of the sugar industry, the heads the farming industry, it is all connected, and they are all making billions of dollars on the backs of the poor and middle class. Not only are the rich getting richer, but they are also keeping the poor and the middle class sick with foods and water that should not have been approved by the FDA in the first place.

We are targeting certain industries, launching campaigns to expose the truth, the people behind these atrocities, and we are aiming to launch the biggest class action law suit against those that suppress cures for monetary gain.  A law suit in which case the people will be the petitioner, and the FDA will be the respondent. A war of this nature, only the brave will come out on top.

Any Doctor that figures out the cancer cure formula ends up dead:

We hope that no lives are lost, and that the FDA will co-operate fairly in a court of law, but history shows us, people will not give up their power easily. These Billion dollar multi-national conglomerates hire lobbyist' to "take care" of problems such as this, to protect their corrupt businesses, so they can continue to make billions, while innocent Americans die of cancer in the millions every single year.

The only way things can, and will get better, is if the people stand up against FDA, together, united. They can't kill us all. This effects you, your children, and your grandchildren every single day. Every shower you take, every time you wash your hands, any time you wash your clothes, any time you wash your hair, put on deodorants, hairsprays, lotions, anything and everything that you put in, or on your body, this effects you.

We have discovered when a communities cancer population rises, their water supply is usually contaminated in most cases. We have discovered that most colon cancer patients are using recycled toilet paper, literally stuffing toxins in your body. We have discovered multiple links between cell phone usage, and Thyroid cancer. We have conducted studies on people that have Thyroid cancer, the tumors are on one side or the other, and it is usually the side the patient holds their cell phone to their ear, your Thyroid cancer will usually be on the side of your neck when you hold your cell phone to, left or right.

We have discovered that women with Breast Cancer, and men, had been using the same under arm deodorants. We have discovered that women that use certain kinds of make ups are developing brain cancer. We are no just feeling the effects of products that were developed in the 50's, 60's, and 70's, that have turned out to be toxic as toxic can get, not meant for human consumption.

Companies calculate the cost of out of court settlements Y and then calculate their sales, and total expenses to do business X. If X is much larger than Y, and it usually is, the company stays in business, not giving us, the consumers a leg to stand on, metaphorically and literally in many cases.

There are too many ways to get cancer in this toxic system, and we can talk to you, and tell you about most of them, and how to avoid toxicity.

Mind ALL products that you use, all of them. The good news is, you can make very minor changes in your life, you can put the right things in your body to cure you of cancer, and we will help you.

We can teach you how to flush cancer out of your body with oxygen, proper diet, property exercise, you will need the right naturalistic doctor that can do hot treatments intravenously, and vitamin C and D intravenously, and most importantly, removing any, and all toxins out of your life. For the love of God, please filter your drinking water and your shower water, that is where they are hitting us the hardest.

It is not one thing that cures cancer, it is a battery of things that need to be done, that any person with limited income, or middle class citizens such as ourselves, that can accomplish this.

The most important ingredient in curing cancer is a product still purchasable by consumers called Oxytech. Please let us show you how to use this product, research this product, and discover how to apply it into your air at home, in and on your body, as detergents, as a house hold cleaner, it truly is the most amazing product in existence.

We know what foods cause cancer, which foods don't, we know what Doctors do to try to cure your cancer which we sincerely believe is one of the biggest injustices of our time, and we know how to help you most importantly.

You have a choice to make, go to your PCP, have them send you to a battery of "Cancer Specialists" They will recommend scans (which pump you full of radiation right out of the gate) It makes you feel much worse, then, they will pump you full of prescription drugs, then, they will recommend chemo, radiation, it won't work, then a battery of surgeries. It is the perfect crime. Calling a battle against cancer is a laugh.

Or, you can call us, and put the right things in your body every day.

Be strong, be consistent, don’t give up, and believe there is hope and know you are not alone! God bless you all.

Fundraising team: Thyroid Cancer Cure and Prevention (2)

Nicholas McConnell
Phoenix, AZ
Nicole White
Team member

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