The accessible multipurpose rescue boat
Donation protected
I'm Marco Busdraghi from Alghero Italy, expert of acquatic and marine enviroment, professional commercial diver, scuba diving instructor since 1989, with several experiences in cinema and tv for producing documentary and programs about enviroment, inventor for passion.
My idea is to design and build a model of a special rescue and leisure boat at the same time, particular to embark disembark disable people in wheel chair, injuried person etc. from shore, beaches etc.. The project analyse and give a real solution to the world floods emergency, considering for example the many we had here in Italy in many regions and the passed huge in New Orleans, Pakistan, Queensland in Australia, Brasil and the many probably will have all over the world and surely that will occur similar disaster in future.
In any of this situation it is immediately clear do not exist an ideal rescue boat especially to save people, animals and goods in these terrible and difficult extreme situation.
Considering these facts and my experiences and acknowledgments, I have ideated a special multipurpose ideal boat for rescue in flooded areas also to save disabled persons with wheel chair and animals like horses, cows, sheep etc..
This boat in normal situation could be used also to save from shore small marine mammals, dolphins and turtles, and at the same time to have the possibility to clean the non-reachable shore, islands and ponds from plastic, rubbish and oil spill. Another great possibility is to assemble a special water ambulance who immediately can reach any location also in very shallow water conditions. Having a first running model to promote the use of this boat I will produce a professional documentary to transmit in TV and internet who can give a strong and great impact for example showing how with this boat it would be possible to embark and transport disabled persons with wheelchair, from sea, river or lake shore for rescue but specially for to enjoy water activities like scuba diving or fishing, and people, volunteer, children and kids to collect plastic and rubbish from beaches, saving a dolphins and/or a turtle.
Obviously with this kind of boats could be possible to do a lot of activities and adventures sports and events in any water situation, in fact I consider this kind of boat exactly the free concept boat for all and for everybody and in case of need it will be usable like a real rescue boat.
The concepts of universal design applied in this boat corresponds also with the Universal Declaration of Human and Animals Rights.
With my designs and plans, having already a factory and with the help and collaboration of expert staff like boat engineers/designers and boat workers, it would be possible to have a first certified RINA prototype concept model in one/two months, and for the composite models, building a relative mold, could be possible after to build many of them in series and so would be possible to send in the flooded operation areas to be used to make the necessary rescues, also utilising it for the many needs etc.
Considering the world emergency situation I hope my proposal will have the relative interest by a great public and specially from rescue organization and social association, and so you could run the shorter way to have an help or a grant from foundations or maybe other investors and interested philanthropists to have many of this boats around the world.
Obviously it is easily to image that this operation could clearly considerable as a great ethic business opportunity, and the eventual investors can make a good profitable and at the same time social affair.
All my ideas applied in this model of boat consider a lot of advantages all in one the other traditional boats cannot offer.
It is possible to build this kind of boat in plywood, aluminium or composite in several model depending of needs, like 4 mt, 6 mt, 8mt etc. powered both with electric and/or petrol engines as wished. One easy idea is to realize several of these boats with electric engines and a roof with solar panels to have a 100% green boat.
Why this kind of boat?
The no-barrier-free boat project -
Some hypothesized scenarios
Transportation of people with disabilities.
As is well known in this scenario, a disabled person in a wheelchair among the many problems that he already has to solve certainly has major limitations with regard to nautical activities, he cannot independently board any small boat, he can certainly do so in large boats, ferries, etc. equipped with a walkway and designed according to current standards. But he certainly cannot use and/or drive a dinghy or a traditional small leisure boat, even embarking on many yachts is practically impossible since the gangways are narrow and unstable, and then if he is helped he practically cannot move freely from stern to bow or in the interior. At least being able to swim in the sea and then get back on board. If he is helped or the boat is equipped with a davit, perhaps it will work out, but everything is always very complicated. This situation is obviously very frustrating for the disabled person but also for relatives and friends who do their utmost to make this condition as less complicated as possible.
For any other information about the project you can contact the Inventor at:
Alghero - Sardinia - Italy

Marco Busdraghi