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Support the Kurtz Family

Spende geschützt
Rob Kurtz is there for everyone, anytime.  He now needs our help and support. 

Allie, his oldest daughter, was on the Conception - the California boat on fire  that has been in the news.  As of 03-SEP, she is still one of the missing. 

Rob and his other daughter have flown to LA and are awaiting more information.  They will likely need to be there for a while.  The funds will go directly to Rob to help pay for his expenses (hotel, food, etc.) while in LA along with any other expenses he may have related to bringing his daughter home to rest.


  • John Sisto
    • $100 
    • 5 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Kathy Clawson
King of Prussia, PA
Robert Kurtz

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