Strengthening education in Equatorial Guinea
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We as REMAR USA INC. A non-profit organization seeking the good for those who are in need. We have partnered with REMAR EQUATORIAL GUINEA to raise funds for our educational project
Our objective is to raise funds to help the construction and schooling material of the school in Equatorial Guinea. Due to the pandemic ,political state and the explosions in the cities of in the Nkuantoma area, Bata District. Equatorial Guinea, schooling has been difficult for children to reach especially girls.
Our priority is to protect and recover the rights, strengthen the capacities of people in situations of exclusion or vulnerability.
Improve the quality of preschool, primary and secondary education for 150 boys, girls in Nkuantoma, Bata, Equatorial Guinea
1. Create a Pedagogical Commission made up of parents, teachers and educators in order to work together, and that the activities are developed according to the designed program and with the support of the target population.
2. Hire 2 support teachers.
3. Create a pedagogical commission for the elaboration of didactic materials. (which will be in charge of managing the educational programs according to the national curriculum and completing the didactic booklet according to the needs of the school group)
4. Prepare teaching materials.
5. Consult with the pedagogical commission the didactic materials that would generate better learning of the contents and the necessary adaptations for the development of the teaching-learning process.
Strengthened education with a gender and inclusive approach, increasing the capacities of equal opportunities and roles for boys, girls and adolescents in Nkuantoma
1. Carry out a pedagogical adaptation course for teachers that allows them to update themselves on issues of inclusion and integration of students with special learning needs and better development of teaching-learning processes.
2. Design educational programming with a gender focus.
3. Registration of students, (in charge of the pedagogical commission and contracted teachers)
4. Preschool classes, at different times.
5. Territorial revitalization of the school in the area. Pedagogical commission in charge will meet with nearby school authorities to create synergies and work for the most urgent needs of children in the sector.
6. Monitoring, evaluation and Sensitization. The requesting Entity and local partner in charge of monitoring, providing necessary reports for continuous evaluation, due monitoring and identification of risks.
Taking advantage of natural and human resources to improve the education, well-being and quality of life of children and adolescents in Nkuantoma
1. Cleaning and fencing of land (commission of volunteers in charge of cleaning and adaptation work to the land together with the contracted company, masons and others...)
2. School Construction. Plans and contracting of a construction company.
3. Acquire school supplies and Wi-Fi installation.
More Information:
- Location
Nkuantoma is a rural community, located 5 km from the city of Bata in the Province of Litoral in Equatorial Guinea. With a region code of Africa/Middle East.
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Fundraising team: Equipo de recaudación de fondos (2)
Miami, FL
Remar USA Inc
Rebeca Díez
Team member