St Vincent Community Outreach Center (SVG)
Donation protected
Current Campaign Objective:
What Will My Donation Be Used For?
· Save the ACSSVG centre from closing down by paying our rent for the period of ONE YEAR.
· Continue to tackle hunger insecurity.
· Continue to tackle period poverty.
· Purchase essentials for the less fortunate i.e. – Food, Medical Supplies (Asthma Pumps, Diabetic Strips etc), PPE, Gas, Toiletries, Bedding, and Cleaning Products.
· In Some Special Cases, Offer Financial Support to those in desperate situations.
· Provide a Space for Community Meetups, Classes, and Forums providing informal education to marginalised groups.
. In the event that we do not reach our goal funds raised will be used for the dismantling of the ACSSVG centre and acquiring new premises.
About Us
Afro Caribbean Services SVG (ACSSVG) under the leadership of Rachel Douglas a Vincentian by heritage, mobilised her friends, family and UK contacts to bring together what can only be described as a God-driven initiative to bring help to the most vulnerable of persons affected by the Volcanic eruption in April 2021.
Through small donations received, ACSSVG has been continuing to obtain supplies from overseas and distribute them on the island to vulnerable members of the community through a team of young volunteers. Vulnerable communities include teenage mothers, the elderly and disabled, those living with HIV and Aids and persons associated with the LGBTQIA community.
ACSSVG has also continued to partner with other grassroots organisations and ministries in St Vincent and help with various period poverty campaigns across the island. Rachel and her team have also been able to mentor and coach vulnerable young people who struggle with their mental health, sexuality and past trauma.
In 2021 ACSSVG acquired premises paid in full for one year by Ivan Toney, a British premier league football player also with Vincentian roots. In 2022 ACSSVG was funded by private investors.
ACSSVG is currently in danger of losing its premises. We need your help to stay open for another year. Grassroots projects like ours unfortunately often fall into despair due to the lack of funding available but we are determined to make this work with your help.
If every person with links to St Vincent and the Grenadines donated ONE SINGLE POUND we could reach our goal and continue our work with vulnerable and marginalised communities.
The generosity given thus far has been truly amazing and humbling but our work is not over. We need to keep going.
£50,000 will not only pay for our centre for another year, it will also help us fully restock our food bank which has been so helpful to so many. Alongside this, it will help us purchase sanitary towels for school-aged girls to ensure they do not miss school in the new academic year.
A donation or share would be much appreciated.
We are not giving up, it only takes a community to stand together for great things to happen.
Previous Campaign Objective:
We plan to Successfully Run & Maintain Community Outreach Centre For A Minimum 3 Years in St Vincent & The Grenadines.

What Will My Donation Be Used For?
· Successfully run & maintain a community outreach centre for a minimum of 3 Years, serving St Vincent and the Grenadines.
· Tackle hunger insecurity.
· Tackle period poverty.
· Purchase essentials for the less fortunate i.e. – Food, Medical Supplies (Asthma Pumps, Diabetic Strips etc), PPE, Gas, Toiletries, Bedding, Cleaning Products.
· In Some Special Cases, Offer Financial Support to those in desperate situations.
· Offer jobs to local people.
· Provide a Space for Other Community Meetups, Classes, Forums providing informal education to marginalised groups.
About Us
It has now been over two months since the La Soufriere volcano on the island of St Vincent first erupted. The devastation in the surrounding areas, mainly the north of the island is unimaginable. Where there were lush green forests and farmlands there is now what can only be described as a wasteland. The loss of livelihoods is the biggest tragedy as this part of the island was the main area for agriculture on the island. The evacuation of thousands of people from the danger zone saved lives but has now led to their displacement in the southern areas of the island where they are housed in temporary shelters such as schools and churches and private homes.
These persons left their homes with very little as they were asked to do, which meant that they travelled in some cases with only the clothes they had on their backs and minimum personal necessities.
Over the last few months the AcstoreUK now branded as Afro Caribbean Services SVG (ACSSVG) under the leadership of Rachel Douglas a Vincentian by heritage, has mobilised her friends, family and UK contacts through the Store to bring together what can only be described as a God-driven initiative to bring help to the most vulnerable of persons affected by the Volcanic eruption.

Through small donations received, ACSSVG has been obtaining supplies on the island and distributing them through a team of young volunteers to families, shelters, and homes where assistance has been identified or requested.
Through a generous donation received, ACSSVG now has the use of a building for the period of 1 year to operate from with our goal being 3 years. Containers of supplies from the UK efforts of Help SVG UK have been delivered and received at the new premises and the volunteers have spent much time unloading, unpacking and packing the items ready for distribution.
The generosity out poured has been truly amazing and humbling.
However, this disaster and its effects will be long lasting. It is very unlikely that families will be able to return to their homes, if they are still standing, in the near future.
With the above in mind, ACSSVG has set up a Go Fund Me page where monetary donations can be made to support their work on the island.
The local economy also needs support. Many persons are now out of work, and if local businesses also go under it just creates even more hardship for those who are still in employment.
There is no certainty, yet, as to when all this will be over, only that it will take years of hard work, resilience and determination from all Vincentians at home and abroad. ACSSVG will continue its work on the island while it can but your help is needed to keep going.
All donations received will go to not only purchasing goods and supplies on the island to help those in need and the SVG economy but running the community outreach centre which will serve so many.
ACSSVG will continue to post updates on their work, but for the privacy of persons who are in receipt of help and assistant, we will not post photos of individuals or names or places. Photos of our work can be found on our Instagram page ‘acs.svg’.

Thank you for your help and generosity thus far. We have been truly humbled by the outpouring of love and support received. We are thankful for the wonderful team of young people who have stepped up to give their time and energy to helping their fellow citizens. May God bless you all and God bless St Vincent and the Grenadines. We will rise from the ashes, TOGETHER.
Rachel Douglas
