Save Team Players TKD - COVID Crisis
Why we need your help:
*https://www.10tv.com/mobile/article/news/health/coronavirus/hilliard-business-continues-struggle-due-to-pandemic/530-b6399368-2e34-44f8-84bf-0c5d6565a11f">****See our 10tv news interview. Click here******
Team Players TKD is in jeapordy of being forced to shut it's doors without your help. Over half of the student body withdrew when the pandemic hit, and soon we were not able to pay our staff, so we lost them too. With a fraction of our revenue, we fell drastically behind on rent. Nonetheless, Master Robb Irvin kept the dojo running for the sake of the children still attending classes. The only way to save our dojo is by raising the back-rent owed. The landlord has generously discounted the amount due, but there is still a large balance that remains.
Our plea:
If we do not raise this funds, Team Players TKD will be GONE. Please help us save Team Players TKD.
Why Team Players TKD is important to our community:
Master Robb Irvin has served the community by educating, training, and most of all caring about his students and their families for over 22 years. He has given countless scholarships to families with financial hardship, as well as hosted almost two decades of annual women’s self-defense classes. When he was asked why he didn’t charge a fee for these classes, Master Robb responded, “Because those are our daughters, our sisters, and our mothers. We have a responsibility to take care of them.”
Master Robb has guided martial arts students who trained with him throughout their entire young lives into adulthood. Many of his students have gone on to become attorneys, brain surgeons, and pro-athletes. Master Robb brags about his students’ accomplishments, both in and out of the dojo, as if they were family. The fact is, Master Robb is family. He has given so much of himself to our community, and now it’s time to give back.
More about Rob Irvin: Master Robb has had 48 years of training in martial arts. He is a Master instructor in four different studies, and is a subject matter expert, weapons certified firearms instructor, and does training with both professionals, and as a civilian instructor. He teaches hand-to-hand self-defense classes as well. He is a teacher, a friend, and a valued member of the community.