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Save Bigfoot - Round 2

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7/14 - So most of you don't know whats been going on so I figured it was time for an update!! Since the last update Jim was 
home and started to develop UTI symptoms. We went to the ER and they ran a bunch of test showing no bacteria in his urine, however, there were nitrates which are an indication of UTI. They gave him IV antibiotics and oral to go home, but nothing was working. His symptoms continued to worsen which eventually got him admitted to Jackson Memorial once again. He has now been at Jackson since July 3. The UTI was a product of the Adenovirus which is very rare..... rare enough that none of my medical friends including myself have ever heard of that happening.  Also why the medical staff didn't treat it properly. As I write this I am sitting next to him at Jackson for his 11th day now. He is confined to this room with no sunlight or interaction from the outside world. It is wearing on all of us especially him. The upside to this is that the kidney function is great!! The kidney is a trooper and doing great even under the circumstances. The medication to treat the virus can cause rejection so they are taking it slowly. I got the pleasure of seeing Caroline and Rob on Friday and Rob is doing fantastic!! He's a little sore, but other than that he is feeling back to normal and looking like a million bucks!! :)  We have the highest of hopes that Jim gets discharged tomorrow, but nothing for certain yet!! This has been such a tough journey, but I think after we beat this he will be on the up and up!! Thank you to everyone who has continued to donate and keep us in mind!! Please help us keep momentum because were not in the clear yet!! We love and miss all of you and can't wait until we can have a live event to celebrate!! Soon!!!! xoxox 

6/28 - Sorry it's been a while since the last update!! Both boys have been home recovering and been to their first post-op visit!! All labs are looking good!! Jim had a low grade fever twice, but no explanation.... which is a good thing, I guess!! We met with Dr. Berke (the surgeon) today and he had nothing but good things to say!! Rob is recovering well and feeling good! Now that the chaos is over and things have calmed down we are starting to get back to a normal routine!! Jim's immune system is essentially non-existent currently so we apologize that we haven't had many visitors yet!  Again, we can never express how grateful we are for the Negron family's gift and sacrifice!! Rob is a true hero and such an amazing soul!! We love their family dearly and are all connected for life!! As the boys continue to recover we are planning celebration events soon so everyone can come out and be a part of this beautiful process!! We are so thankful for all the support we've gotten and continue to get!! Thank you to everyone and lets keep the excitement and support up for these guys!!! Bigfoot and Superman!!! xoxo :)

6/17 - WE MADE IT!!!!! Both boys are now out of the hospital and doing well!! Rob was discharged on Saturday to be home just in time to enjoy Father's Day at home. He still had abdominal pain which is expected, but otherwise is doing well! Jim was discharged yesterday, but not before Jason, Virginia, Kevin, and Rocco came to visit!! They came all the way to Miami to show love... so awesome!! Kevin left Jim his superman shirt he has had since the 10th grade and told him he had to wear it out of the hospital (pics below)!! What an amazing bunch of people... Jim is so blessed to have friends like these amongst the hundreds of others that have reached out and supported us this whole time!! Joe Reyes also stopped by with gifts and love from the Lagunitas family!! Jim will be staying in a hotel near the hospital because he has multiple check ups this week!! He should be home by Friday if all goes well!! His mother, Michele, will be with him this week since I had to go back to work today! 

This has been a wild journey and I can not believe this all actually happened!! There will still be months of healing, check ups, blood work, strict diet, many medications (most for life), but most importantly he has his health back!! I am sooooo excited for him!!! In just a few days we have become so close with the Negron family.... they are now OUR family!!! Please keep supporting all of us any way you can!! Once the boys are all healed up we will have live events for all to attend!!! I can't wait!!!! :)

6/14 - 9:00amThat is all..... :)

6/13 - After 13 hours at the hospital I am ECSTATIC to say it was a SUCCESS!!! We arrived at the hospital at 6am with  the Negron family already there waiting for us (Rob, Caroline, and baby)! The two older one's were lucky enough to stay with g-ma and g-pa during the experience. Shortly after arriving they brought us back to the prep area  where they stripped the boys down and got them ready for their big day! We met with each member of the team including nurses, the anesthesiologist, and the surgeon (Dr.Berke who was also Jim's surgeon for the first surgery). After almost 4 hours of anxiously waiting they finally took Rob back to start his procedure. I would be here all day typing if I expressed all the feelings and gratitude I felt towards Rob in that moment. To paint the picture, this was his FIRST surgery EVER... talk about overachieving! He has now gone through numerous blood draws (over 50 vials in total), x-rays, CT scans, multiple IVs, foley catheterization (ouch!), intubation, sedation,  laxative/liquid diet, and overnight stay in the hospital..... all selflessly to save Jim's life! As they rolled him away this is when reality set in... this was REALLY happening! About 30 minutes later they came for Jim and I left to meet Caroline and baby in the waiting room. To our surprise we had a private waiting room all to ourselves where we finally got to sit and chat for the first time. We talked about everything from the first time Rob mentioned that he offered to be a donor to the reality of it happening and us meeting here this way. As you can imagine, I wanted to know her take and how she felt about everything that was happening. As we talked I grew more and more fond of these two amazing human beings. Do people like this really exist? The answer is yes. She was so supportive throughout the whole experience. Never once selfish or fearful. Her exact words were "if you know you could save someone's life it's a no-brainer." I got to know so much about the Negron family in our hours of conversation I wished we'd met them sooner if life. As we chatted we got multiple phone calls updating us on the status of our boys.... all more positive than the next. Around 12:45 Rob was being sutured and ready for discharge from the OR. In that moment I looked at her and said "Rob's kidney is literally out of his body and being put into Jim's as we speak... how crazy is that!??!".... it sounds obvious, but just so crazy to think that it was ACTUALLY happening!!! Jim's new perfect kidney was being put in and saving his life!!! It was HIS kidney now!!! *insert non-existent happy crying emoji here* 
About an hour later Caroline and I got to go see Rob in the recovery room. As we power-walked down the hallway in excitement I almost felt like I was imposing on her moment, however, I selfishly couldn't wait to see him too! He was in good spirits with a smile on his face! I let them spend some time together and we were then sent back to the waiting room to wait for Jim. We got an update phone call letting us know he was "stable and the surgery was going well." At this point, we were waiting for Rob to be sent to a room upstairs and Jim to be finished and sent to recovery. I think it was around 4:00pm when they came in and said Jim was being sutured up and the surgeon would be in to talk to us soon. Finally, Dr. Berke came in and his first words were "Jim did great! The kidney turned pink right away and started producing urine". I never thought I'd find so much joy and excitement in those words, but it was the phrase that finalized what all this has been about! Jim had a new FUNCTIONING kidney!! To everyone's disappointment I forgot to ask any questions because just knowing he was alive and healthy was enough in that moment! Dr. Berke gave us both a hug and says "I don't usually have repeat customers, but I'm glad he likes my services" to which I replied "I'm so pleased to have met you, however, I hope it's the first and last time. Thank you for saving his life....again!!" Once he left we waited for Rob to get settled into his room then went up to see him. He was placed on the 15th floor which I have to say, to my surprise, is very nice! There is a couch looking thing in each of these rooms as well as your standard hospital recliner.... inviting, unless of course, you've been at the hospital for 11 hours. We spent time with Rob to make sure he was ok then Caroline had to say her goodbye's to go home and put the older 2 kids to bed. She cried to me as I walked her down to the car because she didn't want to leave him, but I reassured her I would do my best to take care of both of them in her absence. I walked her to her car and as I returned to the waiting room to grab my things the nurse came in to tell me Jim was in recovery!! This was that "crossing the finish line" moment..... true victory!! He was in pain, but over-all doing well.... so well, if fact, that at the beginning of the day they told us he would be sent to the ICU for recovery, but instead he was placed two doors down from Rob on the 15th floor!!!!!!! 
Alllllllll of that being said it has been a long, but great day! One for the memory books no doubt. Although I am slightly delusional at this point I felt that it was important to get this day in writing while it's fresh! Each of us had our own experiences today... all SO special!!! The Negron family is and will forever be a part of our family... until you've been a part of something like this there's no way to describe the feeling (although I think I did my best here... haha!). This may seem long winded, but Rob and Caroline deserve so much praise! For those of you who read this I thank you and hope I did a decent job of expressing just how amazing it truly is!
I also want to take a moment to express our forever gratitude and appreciation for everyone who has supported us!! Every donation, share, prayer, comment, like, etc has meant the world to us!!! It kept momentum and excitement and made time fly by! It seems cliche, but it really does mean the world!! To all the friends and family that text, called, stopped by, brought food, supported us, showed love.... we will never be able to express how much those things meant, but for anyone who has been in our shoes it is inspirational! I promise I will get off my soap box now, but I wish you all health and good fortune a million times over! In the words of Jim Romano "one life, live it!".... no words could be more true and I hope that I am there for those who need it like everyone has been there for us!
In finishing..... LETS CELEBRATE SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BIGFOOT IS REALLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!! 

6/11 - JIM IS CLEARED FOR SURGERY THURSDAY!!!!!! This has been a long journey and we are finally there!! Jim and I are staying down in Miami tomorrow night and we meet Rob and Caroline at Jackson Memorial Thursday morning at 6am!! We made it!! Thank you to everyone who has supported us this far!! Your constant love, support, prayers, shares, and donations have made all of this possible!! Rob is a true hero and we will never TRULY be able to express how grateful we are! He has given Jim life and that is the most precious gift in the world!! Prayers and support for him and his wife these next couple days, please!! As exciting as it is, none of us can imagine how it feels and I'm sure he's nervous (besides Jason of course...haha)!! So many emotions right now!! Please continue to share our GoFundMe and help any way you can! We want to help Rob and his family as much as we can for this amazing gift! We love you all and I will try to keep this updated as everything happens! I also want to take a minute to thank Jim's family... they are truly a blessing! His mother has and will do anything in her power to take care of her baby boy! We couldn't do this without her! I got to meet a lot of his family for the first time during this experience and they are all such fantastic supportive people! The true definition of family!! Also a thank you to my own mother for being there for me!! Soooo much love and thanks to give to everyone... this has been a stressful time, but I have to say with everyone standing by us it has really gone as smoothly as possible!! The next update will have details about the surgery and pictures so keep checking in!! :)

5/29 - Update: Jim has been having some difficulty controlling his BP since the ICU so the docs have been changing his meds. It fluctuates throughout the day from low, normal, and high. He is on fluid restriction of only 36 ounces or less a day. The other issue is that he has has blood in his urine also since the ICU. At first they thought maybe it was still the ruptured cyst bleeding, however, they are starting to think it may be coming from his bladder from the Foley. He has an appointment with a Urologist after dialysis today so maybe we can get some answers. Good news is he is not in pain. These things may delay the transplant though so we are hopeful the BP will stabilize and that the blood in the urine will be an easy fix. Fingers crossed!!! The 13th isn't very far away so we pray this will still be the transplant date!! Jim has appointments with Jackson on June 4th & 6th to do final work ups and Rob's appointment is still June 6!! Again, as always thank you everyone for your support and continued prayers!
         As a lot of you know we had a fund raiser last Friday and the turn out was awesome! So many friends and family came to support Jim and Rob... it was really awesome to see!! Everyone had such a great time hanging out with eachother.... I know I did!! Thank you to everyone that made it out!! We raised over $1,000!! If you missed it, don't worry, there are more events in the works!!! Hopefully we will see you at the next one!! I added a few pics from the fund raiser... if you have any you would like me to add send them my way ([e-mail editado])! BIG FOOT IS REAL!!!! :)

5/21 - Update: Rob and Jim went to Jackson together to get the last blood work needed to determine how good of a candidate Rob will be. This is VERY IMPORTANT in determining how well the donor kidney will do for Jim. Ironically about 20min after I posted this Robert Negron called me with good news!! He has scheduled his final appointment with the surgical team for June 6 meaning they will tell him how closely they are matched and talk over all the details of the surgery.. this is the last step before ACTUAL surgery... whoooo hoooo!!!!!!

Again, thank you SOOOO much to everyone who has donated.... you guys/girls kick ass!!! So much love!! Lets keep it going... If you've donated just pass it along!! xoxo

5/14 -Update: I spoke with Rob today and Jackson has requested he come in Thursday morning for more blood work. Labs have all come back good so far so just checking to make sure nothing has changed. If all goes well, they will be able to schedule June 13th. However, Jim also has to be healthy so we are still moving forward and staying positive at this time! :)

On that note, Jim started outpatient dialysis on Monday May 13 to start cleaning out his system! He has been very lethargic and we are trying to keep everyone updated so if he hasn't gotten back to you I will make sure he does!

Thank you so much to everyone who has supported Jim, myself, and the Negron Family so far!!

To everyone else, we appreciate the shares and every dollar helps so even if its $5 every bit is appreciated!! :)

Also, I added some new pics below! Enjoy!


So, I thought I was going to be the donor for round 2. I found out recently (after they let me schedule the surgery) that I am not an "ideal" match and that my kidney is too small to support what Jim's body needs. His friend Robert Negron also tested and turns out he is a great match!!!!!

Just to update everyone he is the first person to step forward (as well as a few others that we adore and don't want to leave out like Joe Ponton, however, for health reason they could not donate). Rob approached Jim Romano before he was ill and said that if he ever needed a kidney to please reach out. Well, here we are and Rob was true to his word!!!

Just a bit about Rob and his darling wife Caroline Croteau Negron and their family. They are the most kind people I've ever met. Once I found out I was not able to donate Rob and I had a long conversation and I had to ask "why?". He said it was because "if he was ever in need he hoped someone would be there to save his life for him and his family." I truly couldn't believe that was it, but it was. They have 3 young children as you can see.... and he is the BEST father and husband. His wife is nervous and rightfully so. I had obvious reasons for wanting to be the donor (call Ellene..haha), but his is out of true kindness.

A majority of their family lives in Puerto Rico, Canada, California, and Alabama and they really have minimal to no help here. I offered myself as Jim's mother (Michele De Luca-Romano) lives nearby and is VERY involved in caring for Jim. I want them to feel supported in this situation. Rob does not want nor expect financial support, but I want to help them in any way possible.

This GoFundMe is not only to cover medical expense, but to help the family with 3 young children that are doing something to save his life when they have no obligation. This is a friend who just wants to help and know he gave someone the chance to live a healthy life. It is truly inspirational!!! So please help all of us...even if its a few dollars and if nothing else pass this on!!

You are giving life to someone who is a joy in the world and for anyone who knows Jim aka Bigfoot he needs to be here a lot longer!! The Negron family is beyond inspirational and needs your love and support as well!!

Thank you to everyone who read this and donates!!! You guys have been so supportive already with all of your texts, calls, food (thank you..haha), etc!! We can't thank you enough for everything you've done!! Awesome to see!!!

Once the transplant is done and they are both healthy we are going to have a celebration for everyone to join..... maybe even a Snack Pack reunion (spoiler alert!!!) to celebrate life and the family that are risking so much!!!

I love you all!!! On behalf of myself Brie Bebbs, Bigfoot, and the Negron family.... we appreciate anything you can do and we'll all party it up and celebrate very soon!!! xoxoxo 

I want to recognize Jason Pennington for being such a good friend and the first donor! "Tennington" (yes... they named the first kidney..haha! which will stay intact believe it or not) and Virginia Sinicki and family for being so thoughful!! They were there every day when Jim was in the hospital!! Huge thanks to them for being so awesome!!!

BIGFOOT IS REALLLLLL!!!!!! Please share!!!!! :)



  • Jenn Napoli
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Brie Bebbs
West Palm Beach, FL
James Romano
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