Richmond Hills Initiative Legal Defense
Donation protected
Help the Friends of the Richmond Hills continue to fund a legal defense of the Richmond Hills Initiative
Thank you all for your championing of the Richmond Hills Initiative. We are still in need of financial support for what we hope is the final legal resolution to this case.
Because of your past contributions, we have been able to maintain our support of the City of Richmond’s defense of the Richmond Hills Initiative and to overcome the increasingly weak claims of the opposition successfully. We fully expect a final positive resolution to this case.
Our opposition, however, is still attempting to find something, anything, to hang their hat on, and so we are still in court. And being in court is expensive! And so, we are now asking you to continue your financial support of the RHI.
We all would like the case to be over and done with. But the legal process is very slow, and very thorough. Remember that, since 2017, the RHI has kept our beautiful hills free of the threat of development.
And consider what might have happened without it! Imagine what a nightmare scenario it might have been if the demolition of the hills had been started and then abandoned, during the pandemic. The prolonged drought, followed by torrential rains, would have been disastrous.
Please consider donating again to protect our hillsides. They need you.
To donate by check:
Make payable to SPRAWLDEF
In memo line, write Richmond Hills Case
Mail to: Norman La Force, 802 Balra Drive, El Cerrito, CA 94530
In addition to your check, please include a separate note stating Name, Address and Phone Number even if this is already on the check!
SPRAWLDEF has very kindly agreed to act as our financial agent, and these details are very helpful to them, and also enables them to send you a confirmation letter.
Donations to SPRAWLDEF, a 501 (c) (3) non-profit, are tax-deductible.
All the above information, and more, is available online at:
The Friends Of The Richmond Hills
Sarah Willner
El Sobrante, CA