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Remembering Dr. Betty Bowman

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(Please note that the recipient is listed as Matthew Stockemer. This is Nancy Sponsel’s son in law. He is helping Nancy with the technology piece, but 100% of donations will be given directly to Betty’s mom).

EDIT 1/10 - As always, thank you for the love and support. We miss Betty every day. Just updating to let everyone who has asked know that Crumpet is OK. He continues to be adored and spoiled by Betty’s family. Thank you for continuing to support her family and Crumpet

EDIT 10/27 - As we close out one of the hardest weeks of our lives, we still find some joy in knowing how everyone is coming together at this time. We are beyond grateful for the support we have received, especially Betty’s mom. Below is a message from Nancy to all of you:

“I would like to sincerely thank everyone for their generous support on the GoFundMe page. The donations have been overwhelming and I feel truly blessed to have so many wonderful people out there. This has exceeded more than I could ever imagine. I want to thank everyone again for your generosity. Betty was an amazing person and we miss her dearly.”

Hi, I’m Sarah and I started this Go Fund Me for Betty’s mom, Nancy Sponsel.

As you all know, we lost Betty Bowman August 20, 2023. Betty was a light to so many people and words cannot express how much she will be missed.

As new evidence emerges, we realize Betty might have been taken from us not by natural causes. Because of this, I am taking donations for Nancy and her family to help assist with legal costs/transportation to Rochester, memorial costs, meals, bills, and anything else that can help make things just a little easier while they grieve. Betty adored her mom and I know she would want her and her family to be taken care of during this difficult time.


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Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Sarah Leeser
Lawrence, KS
Matthew Stockemer

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