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Levi's Surgery

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Levi, our baby, has metopic craniosynostosis. This is a birth defect caused by the bone plates of the skull fusing together too soon, creating no room for the brain's growth and development. It also creates pressure on the eyes, which could cause vision problems.

He will be having surgery to correct this on June 27th. There are many tests/appointments we need to have done before the surgery, as well. It's a 6 hour surgery with a team of 3 doctors. They will cut from ear to ear, remove part of his skull, move the eye sockets back into place, and reshape and reconstruct his skull. His eyes will be swollen shut for 2 days after the surgery. He will spend 2-3 days in ICU, and 5 days in a regular hospital room. He will need to wear a helmet for a few years, as his head grows. This will continue to cause issues for the next few years, as well.
This is to help with expenses that are not covered by insurance.
Please pray for him physically, and for us financially and emotionally--As well as our family, and especially our other children as we go through this stressful time.

Let the journey begin.......


  • Anónimo
    • $300 
    • 7 yrs


Nicole-John Reed
Marion, NY

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