Hoofdafbeelding inzamelingsactie

Our Daughter's Treatment Fund

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Hello all, 
As most of you know, this past year and a half we have been living a nightmare.  Our 17 year old daughter Cassidy has a drug addiction.  

Cassidy is a great student with A's and B's, has taken college AP classes and was still doing pretty good until her addiction escalated to some very dangerous drugs including Fentanyl this winter after her 1st round of a 20-day treatment stay in Blaine, MN.  
She was so confident that she was not going to use again when she got out in February, and then one bad choice to try Fentanyl, and she was hooked.  The counselors told her that as much as she was using a day and the tolerance level she was at she would be dead in a week.  
So, about a month and a half later we were driving her back to Blaine MN where she was going to stabalize for a few days and then move to a 90 day program.  Needless to say she was there a month before we moved her to Phoenix Recovery in Mankato, MN.  Its an amazing place where she has been since April 27th.  
A very major part of this treatment with Cassidy is family involvement.  They require Mike and I to be there every Friday at 1:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m.  We are also required, which we actually enjoy now, Al-Anon meetings once a week.  We do individual family counseling there and group counseling every other Friday.  Cassidy has to earn "points" based on behavior, going to school, family involvement, respecting staff, chores, and basic obeying of all rules (which there are many), in order to get passes for the weekend!  
So with that pass comes...first and foremost time with Cassidy!  As well as our amazing employers who were willing to work out a flex schedule to give us Fridays off all summer, driving 4 hours on Friday morning to get to Mankato to be there for 4 hours, then it was a 3 hour pass, moving to a 1 day pass, and now a 2-night pass until she graduates.  Then we take her to her residential all girls home in Waseca by Sundays at 1:00 p.m., and drive back to West Fargo so I can work my flex time!
All of the expense into these weekends with the treatment charges, gas, overnight stays, food, gas, coffee, (did I mention gas?) are really adding up and making it really hard for us to take care of everything else we need to take care of.
That is why we started this GoFundMe account in hopes that our family and friends will help in releasing some of the financial stress this has put on Mike and I.  
Cassidy is doing AMAZING right now, has almost 80 days sober, and as long as she keeps improving and doing the hard work she has to do, she will graduate the program July 29th, just in time for her to come home and start her senior year!  She has an amazing attitude and has accepted the fact that she can NOT do this without God in her life and wants to be baptized when she is out of treatment which is music to our ears!  Cassidy has all kinds of hopes, dreams, and goals again for the first time in a long time and her whole family is so proud of her!  Thank you all for your time and consideration.
Mike, Angie, Mikaela, Cassidy and Natalie
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  • Suzann Gross
    • $50 
    • 7 yrs
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Angie Stuhaug Carlson
West Fargo, ND

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