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Operation Fund for Emma Getvoldsen.

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My good friend and neighbour, Emma Getvoldsen, has been told that no one in Britain can operate on her because it is too risky. She has ovarian remnant syndrome which means she regenerated an ovary after she had a hysterectomy performed several years ago due to severe endometriosis. ORS is a debilitating condition that causes excruciating pain and unfortunately Emma’s organs are fused together with scar tissue and adhesions. Emma had surgery to remove the remnant in a Bristol hospital but it was unsuccessful and the U.K. surgeon then refused to treat her any further and instead she had no choice but to look further afield. She found a doctor in Atlanta who agreed to operate despite the risks and so she travelled to Atlanta in 2017 for the operation. Unfortunately there were complications from the operation in Atlanta and she had to stay in Atlanta for several more weeks than anticipated and had to have three more operations all at extra cost. Unfortunately it was discovered a few months ago that once again Emma had an ovarian remnant and again British Doctors told her they would not operate, Emma decided to go back to the same Doctor in Atlanta and he said he will operate on Emma free of charge and have an investigation on what else needs to be done inside her! This is fantastic, however, the hospital in Atlanta said that the operation can't go ahead until the outstanding balance is paid from her last stay in hospital in Atlanta - that total currently stands at £64000! Please would you donate asap so that Emma is able to have her operation. If she doesn't have the operation she will continue to be in pain and suffering on a daily basis. She hasn't asked me to do this web page I just want to do what I can to help and hopefully this site will help raise some funds for her. Let's do this for Emma. Please share with your friends. Thank you so much, Camille Cowe (Emma's neighbour and friend). xxx
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  • Ryan Black
    • £50 
    • 4 yrs
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Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Camille Cowe
Emma Getvoldsen

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