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Natalie Elle's Medical Fund

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I'd like to take a moment to tell you about my friend Natalie. 

Natalie is one of those people that you can't help but want to be around. From her infectious laugh to her giant heart she is such an amazing human being and one of my best friends. Natalie has a passion for volunteering including working with the Human Rights Campaign for 5 years, helping make the first Denton Pride a reality,  creating Denton Verb which is an organization that volunteered for senior citizens, people on the autism spectrum as well as local animal rescues.  She was also nominated Texan of the Year in 2016.

Natalie does so much for this wonderful community that we call home and right now she needs our help.

This past Mother's Day Natalie was hit with one of the hardest things to hear as a young woman. Due to a 4.7 cm cyst on her ovary as well as a large mass in her uterus she must undergo a full hysterectomy.  Having no children, this diagnosis has been heartbreaking for her. But she has stayed strong through the physical and emotional pain and remains positive that this is merely one negative thing among so many bright things in her future. 

This brings me to why I need your help. The surgery alone totals at over $5,000, along with needing to take almost a month off of work for recovery, the financial burden of this already difficult situation has been immense.

I ask for your support for this amazing woman.

Thank you for your time,

Amanda Dennison
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  • Amanda Dayton
    • $25 
    • 7 yrs
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Amanda Dennison
Denton, TX

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