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Nasir Matthews Memorial Fund

Spende geschützt
Radolph Umoja Nasir Gomar Oz Dubar Matthews


On 10/23/1998, the Matthews family suffered a tragic loss, when their kind gentle ‘Nasir’ collapsed on the basketball court doing what he loved hooping with his best friends.  Despite the EMT’s best efforts, they were unable to revive him. He will be forever missed.

Nasir was loved by everyone who knew him. He always had a story to tell or a joke to share and loved to flash that radiant smile! He had many friends who cherished him dearly, as evidenced by the endless number of nicknames that he had! Nasir was caring and thoughtful, which led him to become a personal care worker, where his personality and sense of humor was well received and a joy to be around.

Family was very important to Nasir. Being the life of the party, he is close with his Grandfather, aunts and uncles, cousins…the fun, passionate one that can put a smile on anyone’s face. The oldest of four sibings, (Nile 19, N’Kya 17, Naim 12), he was their fearless leader and confidante.  Despite his positive spirit, his life was not without heartache. At the age of 15, they lost their mother Daniela to congestive heart failure and at the age of 20, their father Radolph suffered a major stroke that he is still recuperating from. These difficult and heartbreaking circumstances left Nasir and his siblings to rely on other family members and friends for support.

I’ve come to know and love this family through my sister Connie. Nasir and his siblings are like her step-children –siblings to my nieces.  We love them like family.

I began this GoFundMe to help Nasir’s extended family with the financial burden of such a sudden and painful loss.  Any amount you can give is appreciated.  Thank you for your generosity in helping the family honor him.


Fly high Nasir. Fly high.



  • Anonym
    • $25 
    • 6 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Mindy Sue
Waukesha, WI
Kyra Matthews

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