MillionLives.org : COVID-19 Global Support Fund
About Million Lives
The Million Lives initiative is dedicated to helping prevent millions of people being infected by the global Covid-19 pandemic by using our global network to procure certified medical supplies directly from major suppliers around the world and distribute them to the most needed.
This is a completely volunteer driven effort by business leaders around the world who met at Harvard Business School or are connected through the Young Presidents Organization, the Entrepreneurs Entrepreneurs Organization and other leading institutions and non-profit organizations globally - all of which are absolutely passionate about helping in this time of crisis.
The Problem
Medical institutions around the world are struggling to acquire medical supplies they desperately need during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Some hospitals simply can’t afford the equipment while others with procurement budgets are unable to acquire them from their normal supply channels.
Our Solution
We raise funds and use donations to procure medical supplies which have been sourced and verified by the global supply chain. Seamon Chan and his team is in charge of procuring and distributing medical supplies to in-need hospitals, clinics, first responder organizations and government agencies around the world. Our global pandemic response teams help navigate the regulatory and customs challenges in recipient countries.
Funds Allocation
Anyone is welcome to request medical supplies, please complete the request form: Million Lives Request Form . We are allocating supply donations based on:
Need : Current and imminent pandemic epicenters are factored into consideration as well as access to resources.
Network: It's important to have localized resources to help with language, cultural barriers, and customs processes to optimize distribution.
Fund Origination: This is a global initiative and we can work with donors to allocate funds to both their regions and other regions with less resources available.
Leadership Team
This initiative is 100% driven by volunteer business leaders from around the world who have dedicated their time and resources and/or that of their respective organization.
Seamon Chan (HBS OPM, Stanford B.A.), Co-Founder and Managing Partner
Palm Drive Capital
Andy Steggles (HBS OPM), Co-chair and Co-Founder
Higher Logic
Bruno Branco (HBS OPM), Founder and CEO
The Great Schools Platform
Stephan Winkler (HBS OPM, Oxford), Managing Director
Forest International Ltd.
Luiz Arruda (HBS OPM), Managing Director and Partner
Avantgarde Communication
Manuel Garrido (HBS OPM), Chairman and CEO
Jeferson Alberto von Haydin (HBS OPM), Founder and CEO
Triple Investments
Sherry Hou (HBS OPM), Founder and CEO
First Asia Corporation
Jennifer Lee (Wharton MBA), Marketing Director
Yuxi Huang (Columbia M.S.), Director New York Capital Markets & Investment Services Group
Colliers International
Advisors & Partners
Arthur Kuan , CEO and Director
Board at CG Oncology
Ben Wei , Co-Founder
A Million Masks
Yi Ding, Co-President
Asian American Parents Association
Hendrick Lee , Co-Founder and Managing Partner
Palm Drive Capital
Q: How will the funds be used?
100% of the funds will be used to procure and distribute medical supplies to frontline workers. Please fill out this form to request medical supplies:
Q. Why Donate Globally vs. Locally?
We are encouraging both as a global organization can provide access to a global supply chain and distribution network to help procure supplies and donate to the most needed regions around the world.
Q: Where First?
We have started this initiative with supply donations to 6 countries and plan to expand to more countries whenever possible.
Q: How can we help aside from donations?
If you want to share sources of suppliers, help distribute medical supplies, help to promote this initiative in the press, please email: [email redacted]
Q: Are donations tax deductible?
In the interest of getting these medical supplies into the hands of doctors and nurses as quickly as possible, the donations are currently not tax deductible. We are in the process of partnering with a 501c3 fiscal sponsor to enable all donations to be tax deductible and will post any updates.