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Medical & Transportation expenses for Tami Baker!

Donación protegida
Hi, my name is Sara Deathriage and I am putting this Go Fund me together to help with Medical and Transportation expenses for our Mother Tami Baker. Some of you may have heard but a few weeks ago our mother was diagnosed with an inoperable tumor on her right lung. We have recently learned that it is stage 3 squamous cell lung cancer. The tumor has caused her upper and middle lung to collapse and because it is inoperable she is going to need to undergo heavy radiation and chemo treatments and anything else we can try. For anyone that knows our family, knows how close we all are. We have endured lots of loss and pain, but none of us our ready to face the loss of our mother and we are all determined to do everything we can to keep her around for many more years to come. All of us children are working together to get a game plan in place for when the peak of this battle hits. We all have busy schedules and Dalton and Stephanie are getting ready to undergo major surgeries of their own. I will be most likely taking a leave of absence from work in the next few months to help lead our pack to recovery. Our mother is our everything and she needs as many prayers as she can get to get through all of this. The next few months are going to be a challenge for us but we have faith the Lord is going to guide us through it. Any help with donations is greatly appreciated, as most of her appointments will be a few hours away and all the medical expenses and medications are very expensive. God Bless you all!


  • Anónimo
    • $150 
    • 5 mos
  • Odalys Benitez
    • $10 
    • 6 mos
  • Savannah Cunningham
    • $40 
    • 6 mos
  • Nihit Saxena
    • $50 
    • 6 mos
  • Molly Richardson
    • $50 
    • 6 mos


Sara Deathriage
Grass Valley, CA

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