Love Of Literature Book Club Promotes Reading
Donation protected
The Love of Literautre (LOL) Book Club was founded by Imani Ariana Grant. Imani Ariana is a child author, Blogger, and Entrepreneur. Imani hopes to build a community of children who enjoys reading and socializing to discover the world of fun through literature. The LOL book club is not just about reading. The goals of the Love of Literature (LOL) Book Club are to:
Expose children to age-appropriate STEM education through literature.
Encourage children to use their imagination during learning and play.
Foster children's learning above and beyond words by engaging in active play, adventure, and hands-on group activities.
Build self-confidence through group interaction, collaboration, and presentation.
Provide opportunities and resources to aid and encourage children to increase and improve reading and writing.
Encourage parent involvement in children’s learning, literacy, and growth.
Learn about and from diverse groups of people.
We have transitioned the book club online to reach more children and authors globally.
Our book club is a non-profit organization and we are hoping to raise funds to:
Support the book club activities.
Provide books and other resources to our member.
To help with marketing to involve more children globally.
To publish a compilation of literature written by LOL aspired authors.
and much more.
Your donation is greatly appreciates.
Thank you so much for your support.
Shaneika Burchell
Vernon, CT