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Let's Help Tia Take Down Cancer!

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In September, Tia discovered she was pregnant. She was going to get the big family she always wanted. Together, with her five-year old stepson Briggs and her infant son Caden, the new baby boy will be Tia and her husband Drew’s third child.

A few months into her pregnancy, Tia found a lump in her breast. 

Everything changed.

There were tests and uncertainty, followed by surgery and chemotherapy. Tia continues to fight for her unborn child and her health while simultaneously caring for her children at home. Chemo is no joke and it’s not realistic for her to be working right now. To add insult to injury, she is in constant battle with insurance companies. Her husband works full-time to support the family and provide health insurance. 

Soon, Tia will have a brand new baby to care for. That is a big challenge for anyone. For Tia this already difficult task will be compounded by more intense chemo and surgery. 

Some of us are close enough to stop by, help with the kids, bring a meal or help with housework. Many of us have to care from a distance. This fundraiser provides all of us the opportunity to lend Tia and her family a helping hand. 

Please contribute what you can.. If you can give five bucks, give five bucks. If you have the means to give more, please do. Your donation will help cover the cost of Tia's treatment and medical bills. It can help provide meals and other help to give Tia a desperately needed break. Your support means Tia can spend just less time worrying and more time fighting.
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  • Anonyme
    • $200 
    • 5 yrs
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Amy Niertit
Medina, OH

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