Laura Elizabeth Mahon Fight With Brain Cancer
Donation protected
Hi everyone, I’ve created this page for my wife Laura Elizabeth Mahon to help raise funds for her private treatment.
Laura has been battling stage 4 brain cancer since 2021 after being given 12 months to live while pregnant.
She was recently told that she has come to the end of the road for treatment on the NHS and was sent home to die. We are devastated by this news and wont give up hope. We are looking into private treatments so that Laura can continue to enjoy making memories with our daughter and our family.
Follow Laura’s socials for more updates:
Instagram -https://www.instagram.com/lauradowntherabbithole?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igsh=ZDNlZDc0MzIxNw==
Tik Tok - @lauradowntherabbithole_
Please read her story and help our family and help raise awareness of this awful disease.

Health updates 2024
June 2024:
Laura was admitted to the Walton Centre after having over 50 seizure in the space of 3 days. She initially rushed to A&E where they were unable to break her out of them. After a week on ward Laura returned home, but not before managing to make Taylor Swifts concert at Liverpool. She wasn’t looking likely to attend but thanks to the support from our local hospitals and staff, we were able to make her wish come true.

Health Update July:
Since returning home, Laura has continued to have regular seizures. She has lost the mobility of her right arm and leg completely now. She still tries to continue her fight and raise as much awareness as she can. Unfortunately her symptoms make it difficult to respond to messages.
Doctor Sienna making mummy better:

Health Update August:
While having her MRI scan, Laura had a bad seizure she was sent to the CDU (Clinical Decisions Unit) where they looked after her for a time.
Later that week we had the results of her Scan.
Unfortunately, the tumour had grown quite substantially. Laura’s bloods and liver also were quite bad and weren’t offered anymore chemotherapy.
We were told that we had come to the end of the road for treatment on the NhS. Something we were always dreading.
At this point we are trying to pick ourselves back up again. We don’t want to give up yet, Laura is still fighting and needs more time with her family.
We’re continuing to raise money for her private treatments. There are trials in London that we would like to get to and we are going to be renting our own Oxygen Machine at home which costs over £800/M. But if these things keep Laura going just a little bit longer. It’s a small price to pay to be with her.

Please help our family x
Thank you to everyone who has donated these help pay for alternative treatments to help Laura which aren't available on the NHS and making memories as family.

This is Laura’s story -
In September 2021; when I was 20 weeks pregnant, I woke up one morning and was unable to walk. I was experiencing nausea and was sensitive to bright lights. Doctors thought it was my baby laying on a nerve, I was sent for an MRI of my back. This came back clear and I was sent for another MRI scan, this time of my Brain. I was now 24 weeks pregnant, I was in the machine for 5 minutes when they pulled me out because they could see something. They sent me back in the MRI and I lay there for what seemed like an eternity. I could see into the radiology room as doctors appeared all looking at my scan. I was pulled into a room with my mum and was told the devastating news that I had a Brain Tumour. They told me it had more than likely been there for years and had only now started growing. My treatment options where limited as I was pregnant. They couldn’t tell me what grade my tumour was as I couldn’t have contrast dye with my MRI scan because of the baby but they knew it was a Glioma and I was told I’d have 1 year to live. Me and my husband Danny decided to ‘watch and wait’ however I became really poorly at 27 weeks pregnant, I was now losing feeling in my right arm as well (The Cancer was spreading). At 30 weeks pregnant I had a C section under general anaesthetic. Sienna Grace Laura Mahon was born on November 30 2021 weighing just 3.4lbs. She was Tiny.

Sienna was taken to the neonatal ward where she was placed in an incubator. She developed pneumothorax (A collapsed lung) and needed a higher care unit so she was transferred to Oldham Hospital on just day 2 of her life. Me and Danny left Warrington and followed her there. Driving back and forth between there and The Walton Centre in Liverpool for appointments. All the staff we’ve encountered at each hospital have been amazing and so supportive. I cannot thank them enough for looking after our baby and us.

I was due for brain surgery at the Walton centre in Liverpool on 10th December 2021, I’d had another MRI scan that day with contrast dye and this had shown that the tumour had grown a large amount and it was inoperable due to location and growth. Instead they could only do a biopsy and remove around 10/15% of it. I was told two days before Christmas it was a grade 4 brain tumour and was highly aggressive. Even with treatment we were looking at around one year to live.

In January 2022 I started dual Radiotherapy/Chemotherapy everyday for 6 weeks at the Clatterbridge Cancer Centre in Liverpool. After 10 days I was taken off chemotherapy as my liver was failing. I finished the rest of radiotherapy in February 2022 and my scan after this had shown the radiotherapy had worked. I then continued on 6 months of chemotherapy. My tumour responded really well to the chemotherapy drug Temozolomide.
In January 2023 after a routine scan I was told my tumour had spread to the other half of my brain. I was put on the chemotherapy drug Lomustine. After 2 cycles I had a seizure and an emergency scan revealed that this chemotherapy drug wasn’t working and I was moved onto the chemotherapy drug procarbazine. Apparently the NHS only funds 4 types of chemotherapy, I’m down to my 3rd line of chemo and running out of options.

Shortly after starting the third chemo I fell very poorly and ended up in hospital for 10 days with original tumour symptoms and sickness. New scans showed swelling on my brain, I had also contracted covid which was likely why I’d become so poorly.

At this point I’ve completed 12 months of chemotherapy, this is for 10 days every month and I will be on this for the foreseeable future. I will continue to be scanned every 3 months.
We are currently on our last line of treatment that's available on the NHS. Since then we've sought alternative treatments and our latest Scan in August 2023 has shown that the brain tumour is currently stable and has even shrunk a little! We are over the moon as we were running out of options.

I have created this page to help pay for alternative treatments, give Laura a chance to make happy memories with our daughter and raise some money for charities in the process that have helped us.
Please donate or share our story - we will keep you updated as we go along
Follow Laura’s socials for more updates:
Laura in the news:
Video from BBC news: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iU9nQgiOm2A
Laura spent her baby's first Christmas in the Neonatal unit

Laura and Danny got married on the 6th January 2022 - Laura started her radio and chemotherapy treatment the week after. Laura had her first seizure the day before her wedding.

8th January 2022 - Sienna had her Christening in the hospital chapel

Laura finally got to take her baby Sienna home on 17th January 2022 after 51 days of being in the neonatal unit

Laura and Danny had the honour of opening the new Imaging Centre at Edge Hill University - a multimillion-pound venture that focuses on improving access and diagnosis through clinical imaging for patients in the North-West

Laura appeared on BBC News to talk about Brain Tumour Awareness

Laura gave a speech on her journey with Brain Cancer to an audience of medical professionals

Laura's Story in Woman's Own Magazine

Laura's Husband and Brother in Law doing a Skydive to raise money

Laura and Danny renewed their wedding photos in October 2023

Front Page news

Making memories at CBeebies Land

Laura Won St Helens Courage Award

Laura's tumour progressed in Jan 23, she had to start radiotherapy again

Surprising mummy after her final Radiotherapy session

Lighting a Candle for Brain Tumour Awareness Month

Laura's TikTok account is doing brilliantly

March update: ITV News shot a segment on Laura's journey with Brain Cancer

Thank you for Visiting Laura's page x
Daniel Mahon