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Spende geschützt
To our Family and Friends .. Thank you for all your prayers and support during this unbearable sadness due to the unexpected passing of my dearest sister Irma. She had the most beautiful soul and was a caring person who touched so many people on this earth. She leaves behind a daughter, Vianney, whom she played both roles of Mother and Father. When Irma was diagnosed with cancer, Vianney dropped out of school to take care of her. Irma's biggest fear was leaving her with all the financial burdens and not being able to provide for her. 

Many have reached out to me as to how they can help, so I am setting up this GoFundMe for my niece in memory of my sister Irma so that she may rest in peace knowing that she is being taken care of during this time of grief and adjustment.


  • Anonym
    • $100 
    • 6 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Cesar Zendejas
Whittier, CA
Vianey Ibarra

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