In honour and blessing to Paul Tonks, we thank you
Hello, I am Paul's youngest daughter, Kristin. On behalf of our family, we thank you so much for your support through this tragic time. My hands shake as I type this but I want to share my sincer gratitude
These offerings are to help us through this fragile time and is very appreciated. Thank you for connecting, offering and reaching out to help support us through this fragile time. I know our beloved Father, Paul Allan Tonks is smiling from above feeling loved and mourned ✨✨
We miss you already so much dad
Truly you are a beautiful soul who left earth too soon and will be missed and you are in the hearts of many souls for
infinity x infinity This is Taygen, Popi Paul's (aka grandpa Paul's) newest grand-baby, one of his many grandkids. We will honour you dad for a lifetime with many wonderful heartfelt stories
We will offer more info along the way...https://www.mapleridgenews.com/news/vancouver-double-homicide-leads-to-arrest-in-harrison-hot-springs-wednesday/
If need, pls contact Tausha , she is lovingly speaking on behalf of family.