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Help rebuild the BHMA youth retreat centre

Spende geschützt
Over the past 40 years the Black Hawks Martial Arts Management Network Association has been working with thousands of children at the nation's schools and communities. Many of the students recommended to us have been considered to be high risk and for indiscipline attitudes. Other students have been recommended to us by the guidance unit of the Ministry of Education and social workers as well as first offenders from the court, our program is reforming young people to rehabilitation as we focus on holistic growth.

In 2018 a young man from the village of La Fillete broke into our shelter which is located at La Camita tr. La Filette village Blanchisheuse Trinidad. Attempting to use our cooking utilities the house caught a fire and was completely destroyed as you can see in our photos. Please note that this house over the years has been used as our retreat centre for reforming the youths of Trinidad and Tobago.

We are requesting your financial assistance in the sum of $60,000USD for the rebuilding and refurnishing of our centre.

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Christopher Francis
Baltimore, MD
Lenny Panan

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