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Help Our Mom Recover From Pneumonia

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We are starting this page to help raise funds for our mother Dina (52y). Our mom caught Influenza-A which turned in to Pneumonia within a few days. Her sickness quickly spiraled out of control leading her to a hospital visit. Upon arrival the hospital told us she was too sick to stay there and had to be transferred via ambulance to a larger hospital. Less than 12 hours later she was unable to breath on her own and was put on a ventilator, sedated, and chemically paralyzed through a paralytic where she has been fighting the infection to this day.

The last time we spoke to her while she was awake was 6 days ago. As of this writing there is no sign as to when she will be taken off the ventilator and no longer sedated or paralyzed. Her kidneys began to fail and we were told they were only operating at 10%. Because of this she has been put on Dialysis as well.

The doctors feel she has a fighting chance to get through this. The machines and medicine are giving her time for her body to heal. However, she has a long road ahead of her for a full recovery.

Once our mom is stable enough to be taken off the ventilator she may still need Dialysis permanently with a possibility of oxygen as well. We are setting this page up to help with the costs that are rapidly compounding each day. Any donation you can offer is a blessing and will help our family get back on our feet after this horrible ordeal.

So many of you have already written kind words, offered their prayers, and took time to reach out and ask if there was anything you could do. We appreciate everything that you all have done for us. God bless you all.


  • Anonymous Anonymous
    • $25 
    • 5 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Ryan Eiken
Minneapolis, MN
Shawn Eiken

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