Hoofdafbeelding inzamelingsactie

Help Me Embrace Fatherhood: My Surrogacy Journey

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Hello dear friends, family, and kind souls of the internet,

Why Surrogacy?

My name is Darren a Special Education Teacher in Australia, and I am embarking on one of the most profound journeys of my life – a journey towards fatherhood through surrogacy. I have wanted to be a father for as long as I can remember. I have looked into the option of surrogacy for the last 5 years with the hopes that a surrogate from friends or from a surrogacy network would happen here in Australia. Unfortunately, this is not the case and I will be pursuing surrogacy overseas. This means higher costs and using most of my savings. 80% of my savings have gone to buy us a house and the other 20% and ongoing savings from my job will be put towards this journey.

This is not a path of convenience, but a path of necessity, and one that I tread with immense gratitude for the science and the wonderful surrogates who make dreams like mine come true.

Where Will Your Contribution Go?

The costs associated with surrogacy are considerable. Your generous donations will be allocated towards having 2 children by surrogacy and associated fees:

  • Medical and IVF procedures
  • Agency Fees
  • Fertility Clinic Costs Associated with Embryo Transfer
  • Legal fees to ensure both my surrogate and the child are protected
  • Compensation and care for the amazing surrogate mother
  • Prenatal, delivery, and postnatal medical care
  • Necessary preparations for the baby's arrival
  • Every penny raised here will bring me a step closer to realizing my dream.

In total, my surrogacy journey for 2 children will cost around ~$170,000 AUD.

Currently, I am at the start of the journey of trying to create embryos. I am committed to saving as much as possible by working multiple overtime shifts in a 2nd job and saving as hard as possible. Any gift you could bestow is greatly appreciated as I know in this economy, it has been difficult for everyone.

How You Can Help?

1. Donate – Any amount, big or small, will make a significant difference.
2. Share – Not everyone may be in a position to contribute financially, and that's okay. Sharing this campaign with your friends, and family, or on social media will amplify its reach and impact.
3. Send Love & Positivity– Words of encouragement, prayers, or simply keeping me in your thoughts mean the world.

Your support, whether through donations, sharing, or sending good vibes, means more than I can ever express in words. Together, with your help, I hope to embrace the beautiful world of fatherhood and provide a loving home for my children.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story, for your kindness, and for being a part of this incredible journey.

With all my love and gratitude,

P.S. Please stay tuned for updates on this beautiful adventure. I promise to keep each of you, my extended family of supporters, informed and involved every step of the way. I also plan to document this through my online blog and podcast.
Illustratie van helpende handen

Geef $20 en word de eerste donateur

Je donatie kan het begin van succes zijn voor de actie van darren. Je vroege steun inspireert anderen om ook te doneren.

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Illustratie van helpende handen

Geef $20 en word de eerste donateur

Je donatie kan het begin van succes zijn voor de actie van darren. Je vroege steun inspireert anderen om ook te doneren.

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Inzamelingsactieteam: Team surrogacy (2)

darren M
Putney NSW
Shannon J
Team member

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