Jason has just turned 50 and has lived with what he thought was Early Onset Parkinson’s for many years, 2021 a new prognosis of MULTIPLE SYSTEM ATROPHY was made!!
MSA is a rare neurodegenerative disorder which attacks the brain and rapidly shuts down the “systems”of the body. The disease progresses without remission and the prognosis is death within 6-10 years of when the first symptoms were noticed Which for us is very sad as MSA has already mimicked Parkinson’s for the past 6 years, giving Jason only a few short years of life left!
An amazingly devoted loving dad to his 4 girls, Jason hates having them watch as he disappears into a stranger they will no longer know but will forever love.
Jason has supported his community for many years as a fireman which he truly loved BUT
The struggles mentally and physically coping with MSA are cruel and degrading and are becoming very rapid in progression, in one year it has stripped Jason of his job, no longer holding a license because of his seizures(which take days to come back from) he now uses a walking stick, speech is becoming harder as well as the constant movement and tremors has brought on anxiety to be around people.
2021 Jason set himself a goal to ride a push bike from tweed heads to Sydney to raise awareness of mental health and MSA which is quite an accomplishment considering everyday he has a disease rapidly destroying him, and yes he definitely has something up his sleeve for 2022.
So PLEASE support Jason in these last few years of life as he will need so much equipment and different therapies just to make his time more comfortable. Jason was our only income provider as I have been a carer for his mum for many years and will soon become his.
Help Jason live is best life and his family will be forever grateful for your heartfelt donations !!!!!
Please share jasons story with as many people possible, there is no donation to small, we just want to give Jason the best life possible while he waits for the clock to tick down on a life which will be way to short!!
Thank you.