Foto principal de la recaudación de fondos

Healing Mary

Donación protegida
Who are we?
Hi, my name is Sally Whyte and I have created this gofundme for my mum Mary. Over the past 17 years she has fought and overcome 4 different bouts of cancer -  she's a tough one, right? Cancer has been persistant, and is still yet to give in. Last year, mum was diagnosed once again, only this time with stage 4 metastitsised bone cancer, about 6 or so throughout her body.

What is happening now?
After trying chemo again and not seeing any positive progress, mum has decided to step it up a notch and head to Japan to undergo an advanced treatment called immunotherapy. We have started to get the ball rolling, but we could use your help...

Mum has never been the one to ask anything of anyone, she has built a whole life on her own and continued pushing through cancer year after year to raise myself and my brother. I could never thank her enough, all I can do is try my best to help in anyway. And that's why I am writing to you now. If together we can raise some money, just to lighten the heavy load of travel costs and treatment costs, then maybe mum can rest easier at night.
We're not looking for much, any contribution will help.

Where will the money go?

Mum has been in contact with a woman who is now setting her up to go to Japan, the money we have raised so far has helped Mum pay for the consultations and also for her biopsy. New money raised will be going towards the treatment cost and towards the hefty costs of travelling.
Thank you
I will be keeping this updated along with the planning of Japan, anything bought with the money given her will be shared with our doners. We are so appreciative and thank you so much for giving your time to read her story.  To help get this out, please share the link to your Facebook Timeline.

Once again, thank you x



  • Michelle Claire
    • $50 
    • 6 yrs


Sally Whyte
Emu Plains NSW

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