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Frank Kozyra's Debut Album

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Hi there jazz fans,

Frank Kozyra here. Over the years, I've gotten the same question countless times... "when are you finally going to record an album?" Well, I have some exciting news... the time has come!  In March, I'm going to be recording with three of my favorite musicians. Drummer Curtis Torian, guitarist Andrew Renfroe, bassist Matt Dwonszyk and myself are going to be doing not one, but TWO recording projects. First we recorded a LIVE group album of original compositions at The Buttonwood Tree.  It went really well, and we're really excited to share it with you later this year. Next, we record my personal debut album as a leader, featuring my music. Doing two projects in one month was a really ambitious goal, but considering how overdue it was, I think it was the right thing to do. Of course, the reason you are here is because we need your help to make our final vision a reality. As you know, a lot goes into making an album. The songs have to be written, the music rehearsed, then recorded, mixed & mastered, CDs designed and manufactured (yes I'm going to put out a physical CD before they are comletely extinct!),  securing the venue for the live recording, the videography, travel, etc. Some of these steps cost nothing but our time, while some are quite expensive. So, I'm hoping the amazing jazz community that I have been so fortunate to be a part of will reach out and help us make ends meet. Wether it's preordering the album(s), or becoming a co-producer, every contribution is greatly appreciated. Making an album has been a dream of mine since I started playing the saxophone nearly 30 years ago. I hope you will consider helping me make it happen :  )

With Gratitude,

Frank Kozyra


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    • $40 
    • 6 yrs


Frank Kozyra Haruka Sasaki
Newington, CT

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