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Jacqueline Durand Nearly Killed in Dog Mauling

Don protégé
I’m Julia Cole, country artist and family friend of the Durand’s. Through virtual benefit concert’s to be planned and this GoFundMe we want to help Jacqueline as much as we can. Barreca, Jacqueline’s sister, and I are hosting this page.  

Jacqueline Durand, 22 year-old from Coppell, Texas, was planning to graduate from the University of Texas at Dallas in May 2023. While in school, she started her own pet sitting business, Paw Paradise. As a lifelong dog lover, this entrepreneurial venture was a dream come true for her. 
Devastatingly, during her last assignment, on December 23, 2021, she was viciously attacked and mauled by 2 dogs and remains hospitalized. Jacqueline has hundreds of bites all over her body, however the most severe damage was done to her face. While being mauled, she lost both ears, her nose, her upper lip, her cheeks and lost essentially all jaw muscles along with the capability to chew food. Jacqueline will have a very difficult and long road ahead through surgeries, various therapies, and the everlasting trauma of this attack. 
To date, Jacqueline has undergone 8 surgeries with more planned soon. Initially, her surgeries were lifesaving in nature. Her subsequent surgeries have been and will be reconstruction of her face over the next several months including:
• Formation of a new nose
• Multiple procedures to ensure her ability to hear sound
• Replacement of her lost ears with prosthetic ears
• Skin grafting of the interior of her face 
• Installation of lower eyelids to ensure that her vision and eyes can function properly
• Reconstruction of upper lip 

Should these efforts prove unsuccessful, a full facial transplant may be her only option, but that cannot even be considered until several months from now.
Donations to Jacqueline will be necessary for each of the following expenses that will last from the date of the attack, 12/23/21, throughout potentially her lifetime. 
• Medical care expenses incurred due to this violent tragedy
• Physical, occupational, and emotional therapy 
• Loss of earning capacity sustained 
• Costs to cover physical impairment and disability sustained
As you can see, Jacqueline can truly use all the support she can get. Her many friends are asking for your financial assistance in the amount of $2 million to offset the considerable financial burden of this traumatic attack. Even if you are unable to donate now, please pray and share with friends and family to circulate her miraculous story of survival, strength, and courage.
Faire un don


  • Inna Kuznetsova
    • 100 $ 
    • 3 j
  • Joannie Moronta
    • 50 $ 
    • 8 j
  • Rob Olsson
    • 100 $ 
    • 14 j
  • Annie Waesche
    • 100 $ 
    • 14 j
  • Anonyme
    • 10 $ 
    • 16 j
Faire un don

Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Julia Cole
Coppell, TX
Jacqueline Durand

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