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Country Girls Can Code!

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Techs4Tex Foundation (501c3) is passionate about giving girls in rural communities the same educational opportunities that girls in more populated areas receive.  We are planning our Second Annual Country Girls Can Code Day, scheduled for Saturday, January 21, 2017, at Manor ISD. Partnering with Women Who Code Austin, we plan to host 50 high school girls from rural areas (and school sponsors) to give them hands-on experience with writing computer code. Working with women in high tech careers, these high school girls will learn about career options that they would not get exposure to in their school or community. Giving these students an opportunity to explore this career path means future economic opportunity and independence for themselves and may also provide economic stability for their families.

     In order to have a full day of learning, and because most of the girls and their sponsors will be traveling 3 or more hours to get to Manor, we want to provide overnight lodging for them. This is a huge treat as many of the girls have never stayed in a hotel! We are seeking donations to cover the cost of hotel rooms the night before the event, as well as food, t-shirts, and other expenses for the day of the event. All donations of any amount are appreciated and tax deductible, and would be most helpful if given by December 31, 2016.

Take a peek at what we're planning for this year! (and see what we did last year!)

Please note: Donations to this event are not a payment for attendance at the event.

Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Kellie Lahey
Coldspring, TX
Kellie Lahey

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