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Christmas Surprise for Tyler!

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The handsome boy above is Tyler. He is one-of-a-kind. Tyler is smart, funny, energetic, and lively. He is a mega nerd who loves board games (even designing his own!), video games, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, cosplaying... you get the idea. He is even the creator and president of a very small convention called FriendCon, created in order to be a cheaper option than larger cons for his friends to get together for the con experience without much cost.

Tyler's passion in life is to aid those with mental illness. Since graduating from Penn State in 2012 with his BA in Psychology, Tyler has worked in the mental health field. For three years, he worked as a Milieu Therapist at a local psychiatric hospital. He is now a Service Coordinator, working to keep those released from the hospital on track with their medications, finances, helping them find places to live, etc...

This amazing boy has worked very hard since graduating and now is in trouble. His wages are low and his payments keep growing. Tyler not only has outrageous student loan debt which he cannot consolidate, but also growing medical bills for some non-lifethreatening, yet still serious, health conditions. He also very recently found out his car is dying and needs one in order to meet with his clients for work. All of it keeps piling on and he is becoming unable to make these payments. He keeps falling further and further behind.

Who am I? I am Shaina, the girl in the photo above. For the past 5 years, I have been the lucky girl who gets to call this incredible boy my boyfriend. We live together in a tiny apartment with our two cats. I pay for everything that I can, but being in school for my MFA in Creative Writing and working at a small publishing company does not put me in a position where I can help him as much as I'd like.

That is why I am here. I am asking you to give what you can to help my Tyler. He, more than anyone I know, deserves a break. He has helped so many people inside and outside of his profession and now needs some help himself. I cannot even put into words what this would mean to him. I want to give him the best Christmas surprise ever!

He has no idea I am doing this. I am hoping to surprise him with the donations. I know this may be a longshot, but I do very much appreciate you taking the time to read this.

Thank you.


  • Anonym
    • $50 
    • 9 yrs


Shaina Fey
Pittsburgh, PA

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