Celebrate the life of the Chief
Want to join us in making a difference? We are raising money to benefit Youth Table Tennis in the name of The Chief George Braithwaite. The money raised will go into the October 23rd event to be held in New York at the public park already named to his honor to commemorate his extraordinary life. It will be a full day of music, dance, poetry, food and of course table tennis on the three Henge tables installed by the grateful state of New York. The remaining amount will go into a fund for the George Braithwaite Community Service Scholarship to honor high school students who followed his foot steps in helping the underprivileged using the sport of table tennis. American Youth Table Tennis Organization together with National Collegiate Table Tennis Association plan to raise enough money to offer a $5,000 scholarship annually. Any donation will help make an impact. Thanks in advance for your contribution!
No one gave us more than the Chief. Now we can give back something in his honor and in his vision of table tennis for all! Give $1, or $100, or more if you can so to bring table tennis to little kids who otherwise may not have other options after school. Please look out for the RSVP and come celebrate with us at the event. Together, we can make a difference.