Building a robust pipeline of diverse legal talent
Tax deductible
Pipeline to Practice Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that seeks to diversify the profession by cultivating exceptional legal talent. We aim to build outstanding lawyers who also happen to be diverse, by offering access to various resources throughout their academic and professional careers, including:
COACHING by industry experts, BigLaw hiring/assigning partners and experienced practitioners that helps them make informed, time-sensitive choices to maximize their professional options and develop the necessary “soft skills” that lead to rewarding careers and ensure long-term job satisfaction; and
PROGRAMMING that is proven to improve academic performance in law school and that teaches practical skills to make them more attractive employment candidates and, ultimately, highly effective lawyers.
As program participants progress through our program, they must serve as mentors to members of subsequent classes and regularly release academic/employment metrics that help the Foundation evaluate its impact.
COACHING by industry experts, BigLaw hiring/assigning partners and experienced practitioners that helps them make informed, time-sensitive choices to maximize their professional options and develop the necessary “soft skills” that lead to rewarding careers and ensure long-term job satisfaction; and
PROGRAMMING that is proven to improve academic performance in law school and that teaches practical skills to make them more attractive employment candidates and, ultimately, highly effective lawyers.
As program participants progress through our program, they must serve as mentors to members of subsequent classes and regularly release academic/employment metrics that help the Foundation evaluate its impact.
Executive Director
Kingston, MA
Pipeline To Practice Foundation Inc