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Helping in Haiti with Be Like Brit

Donazione protetta
At the end of March Kelsey and I are going on a Missionary Trip with the Be Like Brit  ( foundation to Haiti.   

This is a charity founded on the dreams of 19 year old Britney Gengel from Massachusetts who lost her life in the 2010 earthquake. The organization runs an orphanage for 66 children and organizes charity outreach to the Haitian community. Three hours before the earthquake she had texted her family to say how much she was loving her experience working in Haiti and that her dream was to come back and open an orphanage there.   When she perished in the earth quake her family decided to start this foundation and opened an orphanage in Haiti in her memory.  

We will spend our week in Haiti building a house for a family still homeless from the earthquake and we will spend our afternoons and evenings with the children in the Be Like Brit orphanage.    I have been interested in going on a missionary trip like this for many years as Rod’s cousin does a similar one to the Dominican Republic each year.  A few years back I donated my sneakers to a volunteer from Medway (you bring a bag of clothes and shoes to wear during the week while working and on the island and then you donate everything except the clothes on your back).   She and I stood on my porch talking about the Be Like Brit trip for a long time and I thought someday I’m going to do that with my girls.

 Last year our dear friends Shawn and Vincent King went and when I sent them a donation check with a note saying "So great what you are doing!  I want to go next time!!  I would love to bring my girls!  So good for the soul to realize there is such a great need in our world beyond our own little vortex!  Love that you and Vincent are doing this together."  When I saw him last weekend he said there was still space on this years trip.   It felt like it was meant to be.   
Shawn and Vincent said the experience was life changing and are eager to get back.   They plan to go next year and bring Henry so maybe this will become a tradition that we get to experience with each of our girls.  It will not be easy, it will not be a walk in the park.  It’s guaranteed to be a life changing experience.  I am excited to share this adventure and moving experience with Kelsey before she graduates from high school and heads off to college.  

(Kelsey & Vincent are great friends that have known each other since birth. )

How you can help:  
You can donate through our Go Fund Me page. 
This money goes towards our trip (lodging/food/
transportation/insurance) and purchasing the materials for the house, food for the family, and a goat.  Any additional funds raised will go directly to the general fund to support the children at Brit's home.  

Who Can Help: Anybody and everybody can contribute. No amount is too small. Please forward this along to the people in your network. All of the funds will go directly to helping this awesome organization.

When: As soon as possible please. We are scheduled to go March 25.

If you are not able to donate financially at this time but would still like to help this great organization we will have a collection box on our front porch for their wish list items. The following link contains a link to the most needed items.  Our family plans to volunteer at the Worcester headquarters of Be Like Brit and we will bring the donations there at that time.  Or if you would rather order wishlist items directly through Amazon here is a direct link to some items they need for the orphanage.

If small children would like to donate change to the cause as well we will also be participating in "Change Matters" by collecting change.  Feel free to take a photo of yourself collecting change for BLB and tag it on social media using the hashtag #ChangeMatters!

Thank you for supporting us, 
Kari & Kelsey


  • Krista and Dave Maloney
    • $50 
    • 6 yrs
  • Duck Head Memorial day weekend
    • $380 (Donazione offline)
    • 6 yrs
  • Meg & Jeff Hammond
    • $25 (Donazione offline)
    • 6 yrs
  • Duckhead Weekend rental for BLB
    • $900 (Donazione offline)
    • 6 yrs
  • Duckhead Rental for donation
    • $280 (Donazione offline)
    • 6 yrs

Organizzatore e beneficiario

Kari Myles Macleod
Medway, MA
Roderick MacLeod

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